英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-10 00:15:20


  Official statistics from the CCGTW indicate that while China currently has the largest labor pool, it also suffers from “brain drain” more than any other country.
  “人才流失”可以用brain drain来表达,brain在这里是“智囊”的意思,一般用作复数形式,如Mr. White was the brains behind the scheme. (怀特先生是这项计划背后的智囊。)另外,人才流失也可以用loss of talented individuals或 outflow of talents表示。
  2010年颁布的《国家中长期人才发展规划》(the Medium- and Long-Term Talent Development Plan)计划吸引2000名“顶尖人才”(top specialist/ talent)回国。然而,政府的吸引措施仅限于“物质条件”(material conditions)如“住房和薪资”(housing and salaries),而忽略了“支援设备”(support facilities)和良好的“科研环境”(research environment),导致人才的持续流失。
  中国要想在全球对未来人才的争夺战中, “留住人才”(to retain talents), “吸引回人才” (to lure talents back),“引进人才”(to bring in talents),就要加强对知识产权的保护(to enhance the protection of intellectual property rights)以鼓励创新,也需要在国外设立猎头公司来定位人才。
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