英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-10 00:14:34


Intellidating 智慧相亲,知性相亲
        Definition 英文解释
        Dating that emphasizes intelligence, particularly by attending lectures, readings, or other cultural events
        Background 背景阅读
        Call it the courtship equivalent to the slow-food movement. Call it a backlash against point and click matchmaking. Whichever, intellidating — an unhurried, decidedly highbrow approach to mating — is catching on in Boston, New York, Toronto and beyond ...
        Intellidating is also a boon for the shy. In contrast to speed-dating, which demands rigidly timed discussions about pretty much whatever pops to mind, events such as lectures and viewings offer built-in conversational pegs.
        And, as London relationship coach Michael Myerscough says, it takes the "stress of performance" off of dating, since most intellidating unfolds over many hours in a less love-me-now-or-leave-me environment than the bar scene or a jittery fix-up dinner.
        拼缀法( blending )将两词各取一部分或一词加另一词的某一部分拼缀成一个新词,该新词同时具备原来两个词的基本意思。拼缀法是当代英语新词汇发展丰富的重要的构词方式之一。拼缀词一般经常出现在日常口语、报刊文章以及科技文章。用拼缀法创造的新词言简意丰,生动别致,轻松俏皮,符合现代人快节奏的生活,反映现代人的新新生活方式和状态。
        Intellidating (智慧相亲、知性相亲)将 Intelligence 和 Dating 巧妙组合,反映的是部分都市年轻人交友相亲的最新模式,通过一些知性活动如参加沙龙、聆听讲座、欣赏画展等来慢慢结识和了解异性朋友,顺带实现相亲成家的梦想。和八分钟交友( 8-minutes dating )六人晚餐( dinner-for-6 )等速配 (speed dating) 形成鲜明对比。突然想起,其实我在成都发起的爱思英语沙龙其实就有点给优秀年轻人提供intellidating机会和平台的意思,无心插柳还真的成了几对;所以, Intellidating 这个单词对于我来说特别有意思。
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