According to a new survey, a lot of Americans are blowing their budgets by eating out too often. While the answers varied based on age and gender, across the board, people listed eating out as their top money-waster. Almost 69 percent of all respondents said they spent too much money on restaurants.根据一项新的调查,许多美国人外出就餐太频繁从而挥霍掉了他们的预算。而根据年龄和性别的不同,调查结果也有所不同。不过,人们普遍认为外出就餐最浪费钱。近69%的应答者表示他们在饭店花了太多钱。A quarter of respondents admitted to wasting their cash on alcohol, and almost a fifth admitted to throwing money away on credit card interest. More than 30 percent said they wasted money by letting food expire or otherwise go uneaten, though few were willing to try to change that.25%的调查对象承认把钞票浪费在酒精上了,近20%的调查对象承认把钱浪费在信用卡利息上了。超过30%的调查对象表示:他们任由食物过期或不吃而把钱浪费掉了,虽然很少有人愿意试着做出改变。
However, more than 17 percent of respondents said they weren’t wasteful with their money, to which we say, who are you, and do you know about online shopping?然而,超过17%的调查对象表示他们没有浪费钱,我们不禁要问,你是哪位,你知道网购吗?
More women admitted to wasting money than men. But that may have a lot more to do with societal pressures to spend money on beauty and personal care.承认浪费钱的女士比男士要多。但这可能与社会压力有很大关系,她们要花钱购买美容护理用品。
What you think of as a waste of money also varies by generation. Most Millennials aren't worried about wasting money on cable bills, but do say they're spending too much on streaming services.对于何种行为浪费钱,不同代的人也有不同的看法。多数千禧一代的人不担心会在有线电视账单上浪费钱,但是他们表示自己在流媒体服务上花了太多钱。
It’s important to note that this is a self-reported survey, meaning that it’s not about what people are actually wasting their money on, but rather what they perceive as a waste of money.需要注意的是,这是一个自我报告式的调查,这意味着这个调查不是关于人们实际上把钱浪费在什么地方了,而是他们认为做什么是浪费钱的。
Let’s not forget, though, that for going your daily latte will never make you rich. 但是,不要忘记,即使你每天不喝拿铁咖啡(或Costa,或星爸爸),这也永远不会让你变得富有。