英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-31 14:13:32


        Humans will be very different creatures 1,000 years from now. 人类在1000年后可能会是完全不同的生物。
        Climate change, artificial intelligence and genetic mutations are all set to transform our bodies in drastic ways, according to a recent video. We could for instance, develop red eyes as our DNA mutates, and have darker skin as an evolutionary response to global warming.近来一视频显示,气候变化、人工智能和基因突变,所有这些都会极大地改变我们的身体。比方说,由于基因突变,我们可能会有双红眼睛(吓!),而因为对全球变暖的进化反应,我们的皮肤会变得更黑。
        As global warming takes hold, humans will also be skinnier and taller, it predicts, as this body shape is better able to dissipate heat. Our faces may also change dramatically, according to Dr Alan Kwan, who holds a PhD in computational genomics from Washington University in St Louis.该视频预测,由于全球变暖已是大势所趋不可避免,人类会变得比现在更瘦更高,因为这种体型排热性更好。圣路易斯 华盛顿大学的计算机基因学博士艾伦·昆称,我们的脸型也会发生巨大改变。
        Dr Kawn has created a stunning series of images which display one possible evolution for the human race over the next 100,000 years.艾伦·昆博士构建了一系列令人震惊的照片,照片显示人类在接下来10万年间可能产生的进化过程。

                Dr Kwan believes that key to our future evolution will be man ‘wresting control’ of the human form from natural evolution and adapting human biology to suit our needs.艾伦·昆博士相信,自然演化过程中,未来进化的关键在于男性特征将在人类形态上的“掌舵”(惊吓+1:难道以后女人长得会跟男的一样吗?)并且人体生物学将往适应人类需求的方向发展。
                As genetic engineering becomes the norm, ‘the fate of the human face will be increasingly determined by human tastes’writes Dr Kwan, while foreheads will continue to expand as our brains continue to grow larger.随着基因工程成为常态,艾伦·昆博士写道:“人类面临的命运将逐渐由人类的喜好决定”,然而,随着人脑的不断增长,我们的前额也会一直突出。(吓死本宝宝了)
                As man achieves total mastery over genetics, the human face will become heavily biased towards features that humans find fundamentally appealing: strong, regal lines, straight nose, intense eyes, and placement of facial features that adhere to the golden ratio and left/right perfect symmetry.由于人类超越基因学说占据主导地位,脸型将会严重偏向自己认为非常有吸引力的一些特征改变:坚毅、威严气质、高鼻梁、聚焦的眼神,脸上各个器官的分布将会严格遵照黄金比例,并且左右完全对称。
                Dr Kwan believes eyes will grow 'unnervingly large' as the human race colonizes the solar system and people start living in the dimmer environments of colonies further away from the sun.艾伦·昆博士认为当人类移民居住在太阳系时,眼睛会长得“大得吓人”,并且,人类会开始住在离太阳更远,更加昏暗的环境中。
                In fact, by 2050, a completely new type of human will evolve as a result of radical new technology, behaviour, and natural selection.事实上,由于新兴技术、人类行为和自然选择的辐射影响,一款完全新型的人类将在2050年逐步形成。
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