If you only got six hours' shut eye last night, there is no need to lose sleep over it.如果昨天晚上你睡够了六个小时,那么你真的没有必要再继续睡下去了。
Scientists say that despite the widely held belief that we need eight hours of sleep a night, six to seven hours is the natural amount.尽管大多科学家都坚信一天需要睡八个小时,但是六个小时就已经是自然睡眠的足够时间了。
Advising short-sleepers to rest easy, the US researchers said: 'This has important implications for the idea that we need to take sleeping pills because sleep has been reduced from its natural level by the widespread use of electricity, TV, the internet and so on.'快速入睡者往往能得到更好的休息。美国的研究者称:这个结论暗示很多人都需要服用安眠药,因为大量的使用像电视,网络这样的电器,会让人们的睡眠质量降到自然水平之下。
The lead author of a study Ghandi said: 'There's this expectation that we should all be sleeping for eight or nine hours a night, and if you took away modern technology, people would be sleeping more.一项调查研究的第一作者甘地称:“人们期望每晚应有八至九小时的睡眠时间,且要是撇除现代科技,他们应睡更长时间。
‘But now, for the first time, we are showing that’s not true.’“然而如今我们是第一次展示这一观念不正确。”
Most of those studied slept for less than seven hours a night, with the average amount just six hours and 25 minutes. This is much less than the eight hours often recommended in western societies.大多数被试者一晚的睡眠时间少于七小时,而平均睡眠时间只有六小时二十五分。这比西方社会经常倡导的八小时睡眠少多了。
Despite this, the peoples studied were in good health, with lower rates of obesity, better blood pressure and healthier hearts than people in industrialised societies. They were also fitter.除此之外,这些被试身体状态良好。较之身处工业化社会的被试者,这些被试则享有更低的肥胖率、更优的血压状况以及更为健康的心脏。非工业化社会的被试者要更强壮。