英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-31 14:13:26

囧研究:减肥有新招 多吃鸡蛋可以瘦哦

        I love eggs! Do you love eggs? A recent study conducted on egg consumption and individuals with Type 2 Diabetes may cause you to reconsider eggs for your breakfast. 我爱吃鸡蛋!你们呢?最近科学家进行了一项关于鸡蛋消耗量与2型糖尿病的研究——研究结果或许会让你重新考虑早餐桌上鸡蛋的二三事。
        140 overweight people participated in this study and they were divided into 2 groups, group 1 was a low-egg group, consuming less than 2 eggs per week, group 2 was a high egg group that consumed 2 eggs per day at breakfast, 6 days a week for 3 months. The study was conducted on individuals with pre-diabetes or type 2 Diabetes. 140名超重人群参与了这项调查,他们被分为两组,第1组吃的鸡蛋较少,平均每周吃不超过2只蛋,第2组吃的鸡蛋较多,每天早餐吃2只鸡蛋,一周吃6天为期3个月。参加研究的人群都患有前期糖尿病或2型糖尿病。
        This study found that there was no significant difference in “good” HDL cholesterol between groups. And those that were in the high egg group actually had a trend toward HDL improvement.研究发现,在“优质”高密度脂蛋白胆固醇的含量上,两组组员间的差别不大,事实上,经常吃鸡蛋的那组人高密度脂蛋白更高。
        Individuals in the low-egg group were instructed to eat as much protein as the high egg group. Even though they were consuming the same amount of protein, the high egg group reported less hunger and greater fullness or satiety after meals. This may be beneficial in individuals trying to lose weight. 研究者们请吃鸡蛋较少的那一组人摄取与另一组同样多的蛋白质。尽管他们摄取的蛋白质含量是一样的,研究报告发现,吃鸡蛋较多的一组人较少感到饥饿,餐后的饱腹感和满足感更高。这对想要减肥的人来说是非常有利的。
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