英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-31 14:12:54


        Soothing snaps: Looking at a photo of a loved one 'reduces pain by 44%'看着恋人的照片可以减轻44%的疼痛
        Photographs of loved ones have the power to dull pain, scientists have discovered.科学家发现,恋人的照片魔力大,可以减轻疼痛。
        Researchers found that an image of a romantic partner dulls activity in the pain-processing areas of the brain, to the same degree as narcotics such as cocaine.研究者通过研究发现,爱人的照片可以减轻大脑疼痛处理区的活动,能起到和可卡因等麻醉剂一样的功效。
        A study by Stanford University found direct evidence linking feelings of emotional attachment with the soothing of pain.斯坦福大学的研究表明了情感依恋与缓和疼痛之间的直接联系。
        The brains of lovestruck students were subjected to MRI scans as they focused on photographs of partners while varying levels of heat pain were applied to their skin.参与实验的都是热恋中的学生们。研究者让他们的皮肤感受到不同程度的热疼痛,在这个过程中学生们盯着自己爱人的照片看,核磁共振扫描会反映出他们的大脑活动。
        Neuroscientist Jarred Younger found, on average, pain was reduced by between 36 and 44 per cent, with intense discomfort eased by up to 13 per cent.研究的组织者,神经系统科学家Jarred Younger发现,看着爱人的照片平均可以减轻36%到44%的疼痛感, 并可以缓解高达13%的强烈不适感。
        In a study published in the U.S. journal Public Library of Science, the post-doctoral scholar said: 'The reduction of pain is associated with higher, cortical parts of the brain.该研究结果发表在《科学公共图书馆》杂志上,这位博士后学者表示:“疼痛减轻与大脑的高皮质部分有关。”
        'Love-induced analgesia is much more associated with the reward centres.“而爱情镇痛法则与大脑的奖励中枢联系更为密切。”

        'One of the key sites for love-induced analgesia is the nucleus accumbens, a key reward addiction centre for opioids, cocaine and other drugs of abuse.“爱情镇痛法的一个关键部位是大脑的伏隔核,这是大脑中对类阿片药物、可卡因和其他滥用药物的奖励成瘾中心。”
        'The region tells the brain that you really need to keep doing this. This tells us that you don't have to just rely on drugs for pain relief.“这个区域会告诉大脑你需要继续进行这个活动,这也就是告诉我们说,并不一定要依赖药物才能缓解疼痛。”
        'People are feeling intense rewards without the side effects of drugs.'“看着恋人的照片,人们会感受到强烈的奖励感,并且不会产生使用药物的副作用。”
        In a separate analysis, psychologists studied 25 women and their boyfriends of more than six months, subjecting them to different levels of pain, using a sharp, prickling sensation.在另一项分析中,心理学家针对25位女性以及她们交往超过6个月的男朋友进行研究,内容主要是让他们感受不同程度的尖锐针刺感。
        During the various 'stimulations', the women either held their boyfriend's hand or the hand of a male stranger, both of whom were hidden behind a curtain.研究者准备了两种不同的刺激物:抓着男朋友的手,或是陌生男性的手,不过他们都藏在帘子后面的。
        In other cases, the women were asked to view a photograph of their boyfriend, or a picture of a male stranger while being subjected to discomfort.另外的实验则要求女性在经历不适感时看着男朋友的照片,或是陌生男性的照片。
        Researchers at the University of California, where the study took place, discovered the women showed significantly reduced pain experience while holding their partner's hand.这项由加利福利亚大学的研究者进行的实验结果发现,在握着男朋友手时疼痛感会大幅降低。
        But surprisingly, the photograph of their romantic partner provided equally effective pain relief, and both cases were far greater than when a stranger was involved.不过更令人惊奇的是,看爱人的照片也能同样有效地缓解疼痛。握着男朋友的手或是看着男朋友的照片,效果都远胜于陌生人的镇痛作用。
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