英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-31 14:11:51


        A gorilla who grew up in an Australian zoo has become a heartthrob among women in Japan.近日,一只在澳大利亚动物园长大的黑猩猩风靡日本,成为女性争相迷恋的对象。
        Shabani the gorilla, who now lives in Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Gardens in Nagoya, has attracted a large following of admirers who visit him because he is so 'handsome'.The western lowland gorilla was raised at Sydney's Taronga Zoo but moved to Japan in 2007.这只名叫萨巴尼的黑猩猩如今住在日本名古屋东山动植物园。由于他“长得太帅”,已经为动物园吸引了一大批为一睹英姿慕名而来的仰慕者。这只西部低地大猩猩在悉尼的塔龙加动物园长大,并在2007年迁居日本。
        Zoo officials said there had been a notable increase in young female visitors thanks to Shabani.该动物园的管理员称,多亏了萨巴尼,来动物园游玩的年轻女性游客的人数大幅增加了。
        Shabani's rise to fame has been fuelled largely by Twitter, where fans post pictures of him claiming he is 'too handsome'.萨巴尼得以名声大噪,很大程度上得益于推特这一社交传媒,在推特上,粉丝们上传了许多他的照片,还夸奖他“太帅了”。
        His adoring Twitter following often refers to him as an 'ikemen', which means a 'good-looking man'.崇拜他的推特粉丝将他称为“美男”,意指外形英俊的年轻男子。
        Taronga Zoo senior zookeeper said Shabani was moved to Australia from The Netherlands as a two-month-old in December 1996 with his family.名古屋东山动植物园的高级管理员介绍,萨巴尼1996年出生在尼德兰,两个月大的时候,他就和家人一起“搬家”到了澳大利亚。
       'I went to Higashiyama Zoo. This hot Shabani ikemen was certainly handsome,' one woman wrote.一名女粉丝这样说道:“我去了名古屋东山动植物园。萨巴尼果然是一枚炙手可热,帅气逼人的美男。”
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