小考拉树上睡觉被洒水器淋醒 可爱囧态萌翻网友
They're known for their love of sleep, so it's not surprising this koala was far from happy when it was rudely awakened with a drenching from a garden sprinkler.我们都知道考拉喜欢睡觉,所以当被花园的洒水车淋个湿透吵醒之后,这只考拉当然一点都不高兴。
The furry creature, which rests for up to 18 hours a day, was fast asleep in a tree when it was soaked by a gardener watering his trees.毛茸茸的考拉据说每天要睡上18个小时,当时正在树上酣然入睡,结果被浇水的园丁没注意淋了它一身。
And as these images show, the koala was more than a little peeved at its unexpected soaking.从照片中我们可以看到,这只考拉被意想不到的”天降奇雨”淋着了之后可是相当得不高兴。
The images were taken by Matt Wilkinson, 39, in the garden of his home in Adelaide, Australia. He said: 'There was a particular bad heatwave in Adelaide recently and temperatures reached up to 40C.照片的拍摄者是来自澳大利亚39岁的马特-威尔金森,照片是在他位于阿德雷德市的家中花园里拍的。他表示:“阿德雷德着最近天气奇热无比,温度直逼40摄氏度。”
'The koalas hang around in a tree in my garden when it is hot, it's on the southern side of the house and relatively cool.“天气很热的时候,考拉们会在我家花园的树上呆着,因为树在房子的靠南位置,所以相对会比较清凉。”
"We use the sprinklers and garden hose to wet the house and surrounding trees when it's hot to avoid a bush fire but when I watered one of the trees, this koala got a bit of a soaking.'“天气比较热的时候,我们会用洒水器和花园用的浇水软管来给房子和周围的树木洒水,防止灌木发生火灾。不过在我给其中一棵树浇水的时候,这只考拉就湿透了。”
But while the koala may look far from happy about his soaking, Mr Wilkinson said it would have helped it cool off. He said: 'It was a boiling hot day so I'm sure it helped the koala cool down.不过虽然考拉因为被淋湿了看起来很不爽,威尔金森先生表示浇水可以让它凉快一些。他说道:“那天热得跟火炉一样,所以我敢肯定有帮他凉快一些。”
'Koalas usually don't need to drink, as they get their moisture requirements from gum leaves but on that day, the koala's were licking at the trunk of the tree where the water was trickling down. They were quite thirsty.'“考拉一般不需要喝水,树胶树叶就可以满足它们的水分需求,但那一天,我看到当水从树上滴下来的时候,那只考拉在舔树干。他们真的非常渴。”
After accidentally drenching the animal, Mr Wilkinson quickly grabbed his camera before heading to the end of his garden to take these pictures. 不小心把考拉浇到湿透,威尔金森先生迅速抓起相机冲到花园的另一端拍下了这些照片。
'Either the koala was curious, or wanted to thank me, as it climbed out along the tree branch and stayed at the end of it just looking at me. It even stuck its tongue out which helped me get some great photos.'“考拉也许是很好奇,也许是想感谢我,它沿着树枝爬出来,停在树枝的末端看着我。它甚至还伸出了舌头,这可帮我拍到了不少很赞的照片。”