Leaving a beloved pet behind for a holiday, or even for a long day at work, can be heart-wrenching.主人外出度假或公司加班、不得不将心爱的宠物独自留在家中,这真是件让人揪心的事。
But now there is a device that lets owners video chat with their dog or cat from anywhere in the world and even reward them with a treat.但是现在出现了一种设备,无论主人身在何处,都可以和自家的汪星人或喵星人视频聊天,还可以给它们好吃的作为奖励。
PetChatz claims to be the first-ever videophone of its kind and comes with a colour camera so that pets and owners can see each other.宠物可视电话PetChatz的产品发言人称,这是世界上第一款宠物可视电话。它配备有彩色摄像头,宠物和主人通过这部电话可以看到对方。
The device, which is available to pre-order from the Minnesota-based firm, dispenses treats and discharges a soothing scent for animals that are home alone, while also recording the animal’s antics so that owners can share videos of their pet’s reactions.通过这款宠物可视电话,主人可以给看家的宠物喂食,还可以释放一种舒缓神经的香气,同时还可以将宠物的表情录制下来,主人可以将宠物的表情视频在网上分享。 PetChatz的制造商本部在美国明尼苏达州,现在人们就可以预定这种可视电话。
However, what PetChatz describes as ‘a joyful sensory experience’ comes at a price - $349 (£213) - and the device is expected to ship in early 2014 to customers only in the U.S. and Canada.然而,要得到这种PetChatz公司所谓的“愉悦的感觉体验”可不便宜——349美元(约2123元人民币)。而且要到2014年上旬才开始发货,目前仅供应美国和加拿大两个国家。
The company said: ‘ see you, hear you, and feel your love with the tasty treats and soothing scents you provide. Your day becomes a little easier; the time away feels a little shorter.’这家公司的发言人说,“你的宠物可以看到你的面容,听到你的声音,电话里投放的美食和散发的香味可以让它感受到你的爱意。你的一天工作变得轻松了,你和宠物分别的时间似乎被缩短了。”
The PetChatz unit is mounted on a wall at the pet's line of sight and claims to be safe for animals and ‘chew resistant’ so it cannot be easily damaged.这种可视电话应放置在宠物视线范围内的墙壁上。其材质是“耐咀嚼”材料、不易损坏、安全可靠。
The device is connected to a Wi-Fi network and owners log on to PetChatz.com on their computer or use a smartphone app to talk to their pet.这部可视电话可以接收家中的无线网络,外出的主人通过电脑或智能手机应用登录PetChatz.com网站,就可以和宠物聊天。
A special ringtone tells the pet when its owner is calling, at which point the screen is activated and the video conversation is possible - providing the pet runs to the phone.主人来电时,这部可视电话会发出特殊的铃声提醒宠物,同时电话上的显示器被激活,主人和宠物就可以对话了——如果宠物跑过来接电话的话。