http://you.video.sina.com.cn/api/sinawebApi/outplayrefer.php/vid=117460143_1_Zk+yGyo4XDTK+l1lHz2stqkM7KQNt6nknynt71+iJg5cVA2KZorfO4kK4SjRBMlC8GhO/s.swfCats and dogs aren't usually friendly but they can work together well when there's a common goal.喵星人和汪星人通常对对方不太友好。但当双方目标相同的时候,它们也可以配合默契。
Matt Hirst's pets were recently caught on camera conspiring to open the kitchen door while master was away.马特·赫斯特最近发现,他家的宠物在主人外出期间,协谋打开了厨房的门,这一场景被摄像机记录了下来。
According to his post on Reddit, Hirst - who lives in the U.K. - had been arriving home all week to notice one of the doors open, even though he knew he shut it before he left. After the fourth time the door was open he decided to set up a hidden camera.家住在英国的马特最近在红迪网上上传了一段视频,据他的视频信息所述,他连续一周每天回家都发现家里一扇门开着,虽然他确信他出门前将门关好了。在第四次发现门被打开后,他决定设置一个隐秘摄像机。
'The first time, I assumed I just must have left the door open. The second time, I checked the whole house thinking that someone was breaking in (and begun suspected the cat). The third time I figured it must be the cat, and decided to catch him out, so set the camera up and left it going all day,' he wrote.他写到,“第一次看到门开着,我想一定是我自己忘了关门。第二次,我查看了所有的房间,认定一定有人擅闯入室(并且开始怀疑猫咪)。第三次我猜想准是猫咪干的,并且决定要抓它现形。所有我就架好了摄像机,让它一整天都在自动摄影。”
Just three hours after leaving the house, the cat jumps up onto a scratch tower and starts pawing at the door.我出门三小时后,猫咪跳上了玩具抓柱,开始用爪子扒门把手。
It takes the cat just over a minute to finally break through and then both cat and dog escape to the other side.猫咪只用了一分钟多一点就打开了门,然后猫狗双双逃窜到了另一个房间。
Defying the norm of feline-canine relations, apparently they have always been friends.一反猫狗关系的常态,显然这家的喵星人和汪星人一开始就是朋友。