Yes, your head does look big in that. Not that this squirrel minded a bit, he was busy chomping away at the peanuts and peanut butter stored inside this unusually shaped feeder.没错儿,你带着那个头罩确实看起来头很大。这只松鼠可一点都不介意,它正忙着吧唧吧唧地吃它的花生和花生酱呢,这些东西就储存在这个形状怪异的喂食器里。
John Horne, who runs a nature reserve in Southampton, installed the feeder for the resident squirrels, sat back, and waited for the laughs.John Horne在南安普顿经营管理着一个自然保护区,他给里面住着的松鼠安装了这种喂食器,然后就等着松鼠们给他带来欢乐。
Sure enough, a curious squirrel soon braved the hollowed out vinyl head to find the feast inside, giving John and his wife Alison the giggles as they watched his antics.很快一只好奇的松鼠就勇敢地把头伸进了这个塑料头罩里来,想要在里面找吃的。John和他的妻子Alison一边看着松鼠滑稽的动作,一边吃吃笑着。
Before long the feeder had three regular visitors who were only too happy to accept the treats inside - while proving a source of amusement for John and Alison.不久,三只松鼠就开始频频光临这个喂食器,他们非常乐意地接受给他们准备的美食,也给John和Alison带去了一丝欢乐。
John, 67, from Southampton, said: "The squirrel was a bit wary of the feeder at first, but he soon realised there were peanuts inside and began poking his head in to get them.'来自南安普顿约翰今年67岁,他说:“一开始松鼠对喂食器有点警觉,不过很快他就发现里面放着花生,于是它就开始探头进去找花生吃。”
'It was really funny and looked very unusual to see a squirrel eating nuts from inside the huge head.“看着松鼠在这么大的头罩里面找坚果吃,这真的很好玩。”
'This novel feeder seems to make it much easier for the squirrels to access the peanuts. A pair of robins had tried to get to the peanuts but they couldn't manage to.'“这个新奇的喂食器让松鼠吃花生变得更加方便了。还有一些知更鸟也想吃这里的花生,不过它们可就吃不上了。”
The Southampton-based nature reserve is of national importance as it is home to a very rare colony of lesser glow-worms.南安普顿的这个自然保护区是英国一个十分重要的保护区,很多稀有的虫类就聚居此处。