英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-31 14:11:38


        This is the heart-warming moment that a gentle dog befriends a young boy with Down's Syndrome and persuades the child to play.这是让人感动的一刻:一只温柔的狗狗试图和一个患有唐氏综合症的小男孩做朋友,还想说服孩子一起玩耍。
        Herman, now five, from La Plata, Buenos Aires, was captured on camera being approached by Himalaya, a Labrador.影像中的这个男孩叫Herman,今年5岁,来自阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯的拉普拉塔。接近他的狗狗叫Himalaya,是条拉布拉多犬。
        Herman's mother Ana, who posted the video on YouTube, said her son usually backs away from contact.Herman的母亲Ana将视频放到了YouTube上,她告诉大家儿子一般不愿与人接触。
        Herman, who has two older sisters was aged three when the tender moment was filmed.这段视频是在Herman3岁时拍摄的,他还有两个姐姐。
        The video shows the little boy sitting on a patio in front of Himalaya. Herman then shuffles over to the dog and looks at him, but when Himalaya places a gentle paw on the little boy's foot he baulks and moves away again.视频中,Herman坐在院子里,在他面前是Himalaya。只见Herman向Himalaya那里挪去,并看着狗狗,但是当Himalaya将一只爪子温柔地放在他脚上时,Herman却退缩了,他向后移开。
        Himalaya, sensing the boy's hesitancy, decides to try contact again and puts her paw on Herman's feet before dropping her head in his lap.Himalaya感觉到了孩子的犹豫不决,决定再次尝试同他接触。她用爪子碰Herman的脚,接着又将头靠在Herman腿上。
        Herman seems to signal the level of contact is welcome as he picks up the dog's paw, but then pushes the dog away as she sniffs contently at Herman's feet.Herman先是抓起了狗狗的爪子,似乎表示他乐于接受这种程度的接触;但是随后他又推开了在自己脚边心满意足嗅着气味的狗狗。
        At this point Herman is backed up against the wall, but Himalaya is undaunted and rolls over on to her back stretching out a paw.这个时候,Herman已经退到了墙边;可是Himalaya却无所畏惧,她打个滚侧躺在地上,向Herman伸出爪子。
        Herman then moves across the patio, only to be followed by the determined canine and the scene repeats itself with the little boy being followed by Himalaya.于是Herman开始向院子的其他地方移动,但是坚定的Himalaya一直紧跟着他,这样的场景出现了一遍又一遍。
        Although Herman does continue to push the gentle giant away it becomes more of a game and towards the end of the four minute video the pair sit side-by-side contentedly.虽然Herman依旧不停地把温柔的狗狗推开,但是到后来这更像是一种游戏。而在这段持续4分钟的视频的最后,这对小伙伴惬意地坐在了一起。
        Down's Syndrome is a genetic condition that typically causes some level of learning disability and a characteristic range of physical features.唐氏综合症是种由先天因素造成的疾病,通常会造成一定程度的智能障碍以及一些特有的身体缺陷。
        Herman's mother wrote on YouTube: 'Herman, is a bit withdrawn and flees from physical contact.Herman的母亲在YouTube上写到:“Herman有些孤僻,总是逃避身体接触。”
        'He does not like be touched, but Himalaya (the dog) insisted so patiently, and she was so soft that's why it is so moving. '“Herman不喜欢被人碰,但是Himalaya却如此有耐心地坚持着,而且又那么温柔,所以我很感动。”
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查看完整版本: 感人视频:狗狗和患病宝宝做朋友