英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-31 14:11:37

婴儿爬向海边险落水 小狗英勇挡道

        A dog became the hero of the day when it saved a baby from going into the water on a beach in Turkey.土耳其的一只小狗在沙滩上保护了一名险些爬入海中的婴儿,它成为了当日的英雄。
        In a true display of what it means to be man's best friend, the dog was filmed coming to the rescue when the child crawled towards the waves.视频中,婴儿正向海里爬去,此时狗狗赶紧跑过来救了孩子一命,它的行为真切地诠释了何为“人类最好的朋友”。
        The pet dashes after the child heading for the sea, and lying down in the baby’s way.看到孩子向海边爬,小狗赶紧冲了过去,趴在婴儿面前,挡住他的去路。
        The child is seconds away from the shoreline when the dog stands in its way, stopping it from reaching the water.当时婴儿与海岸已经近在咫尺,幸好这时小狗挡住了他,使其免于落水。
        Seconds later, the child’s mother picks up her child, praising the loyal dog.不一会儿,孩子的妈妈把他抱了起来,并夸奖小狗是忠诚的好狗。
        The phrase 'man's best friend' goes back for centuries, and guide dogs have been used to aid the blind since at least the mid-16th century.狗被称为“人类最好的朋友”已经有数百年之久了。十六世纪中期乃至更早的时候,导盲犬就已经开始被用于帮助残障人士。
        During the Great War, guide dog training schools were set up in Germany to aid injured soldiers and spread to Britain in the early 1930s with The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association established in 1934.一战期间,德国设立了专门学校以训练军犬援助伤兵。在20世纪30年代早期,这一做法传到了英国,英政府于1934年设立了“导盲犬协会”。
        Today, guide, service and hearing dogs are exempt from normal pet regulations on public transport and in restaurants and establishments.如今,导盲犬、服务犬、助听犬被给予了特权,可以在“宠物禁止入内”的公共场所,如公共交通工具上、餐馆里或公共建筑里自由通行。
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