英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-31 14:11:37


        They are not known as one of the world's prettiest creatures - but this snail is clearly more image-conscious, posing atop a leaf under a makeshift umbrella.它们可能不属于世界上最可爱的生物之列,但这只小蜗牛绝对非常上镜,这张照片中它打着临时做成的伞,卧在一片树叶上。
        The beautiful images capture the creature below a dew-covered flower, suggesting that it is not as fond of the rain as most snails, who normally flourish in damp conditions.这几张美丽的照片抓拍下了小蜗牛躲在一朵沾满露珠的花下的情景,我们可以看出这个小家伙并不像其他的蜗牛一样喜欢雨水天气。蜗牛一般在潮湿的环境中繁衍后代。

        Amateur photographer Vyacheslav Mischenko, 48, said that the images' colours and setting reminded him of Monet's Woman With a Parasol.拍下这组图片的是48岁的业余摄影师Vyacheslav Mischenko,他表示组图的颜色和场景让他想起了著名作家莫奈的名画《打阳伞的女人》。
        Mr Mischenko, a dental technician, picked up his love for photography from his father, who was also a keen photographer and nature-lover.Mischenko先生是一位牙科技师,他是在父亲的影响下培养了对摄影的热爱,他的父亲也非常爱好摄影和自然。

        He said: 'I spent a lot of my childhood out and about in forests as my family are big wildlife lovers so I'm always on the lookout for unusual animal shots which I can capture.他表示:“我的童年时代很多时候都是在森林度过的,我的家人都非常热爱野生环境,所以我总能关注到许多不同寻常的动物场景并抓拍下来。”
        'I love taking pictures of snails and ants and have taken so many over the years that I could probably write a book.'“我喜欢拍摄蜗牛和蚂蚁的照片,在过去的这些年里我拍了很多张照片,我可能会出本书。”
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查看完整版本: 美图瞬间:打着伞躲雨的小蜗牛(组图)