英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-31 14:11:36

矮种萌马穿毛衣 苏格兰观光大使很可爱(视频)

        Never mind the historic castles, rolling countryside, famous lochs, St. Andrews golf course, renowned culinary dishes and the fact that England’s royal family loves to vacation there.忘了城堡古迹、起伏的乡野、闻名于世的湖泊、圣安德鲁斯高尔夫球场、声名在外的菜肴,也忘了这里是英国皇家热爱的度假胜地吧。
        When it comes to promoting itself as a tourist destination, Scotland is relying on two four-legged creatures named Fivla and Vitamin to draw visitors in.宣传自己的旅行项目吸引游客,苏格兰靠的是两只四条腿儿的生物:矮种马Fivla和Vitamin。
        And it’s not even dressing the Shetland ponies in the country’s native kilts or putting bagpipes nearby. No, Scotland’s tourism board is outfitting them in cardigans.而且,这两只设得兰矮种马身上穿的并不是当地的方格呢短裙,他们也没有在小马的身旁放上风笛,苏格兰的旅游局给它们穿上的是针织贸易。
        The dressing of the ponies marked the launch of the “Year of Natural Scotland” campaign undertaken by Scotland’s National Tourism Organization to encourage people to “Come and celebrate Scotland’s outstanding natural beauty throughout 2013,” according to its website.这两只穿着贸易的矮种马标志着“苏格兰自然年”活动的开始。根据活动网站介绍,这个活动由苏格兰国家旅游组织,旨在鼓励人们“前往苏格兰,欣赏苏格兰2013年的自然胜景”。

        Fivla and Vitamin have been dubbed “pony ambassadors” to help promote the campaign, which features a year’s worth of activities and insider tips on exploring Scotland’s natural beauty.Fivla和Vitamin 是宣传这次活动的“矮种马形象大使”,这次活动将重点介绍苏格兰一年中的各种活动,以及探寻苏格兰自然美景的贴心提示。
        “We were looking for a photo which encapsulated Scotland’s stunning natural landscapes, highlighted somewhere a little off the beaten track, and included some true Scottish locals,” a spokesperson told ABC News.“我们的打算是找一张包含苏格兰的自然胜景的照片,展示一些真正苏格兰当地特色,我们希望是比较特别的东西。” 活动发言人告诉ABC新闻网。
        “Shetland, and in particular Shetland ponies, instantly sprang to mind,” the spokesperson said.“设得兰群岛,特别是设得兰矮种马,一下就跳入我的脑海。”发言人说道。

        The ponies are dressed in jumpers created from Shetland wool and created specifically for them by local knitter Doreen Brown, notes the caption accompanying the series of photos of the pair online.矮种马系列照片下的标题注明,它们身上穿的连体装是由当地居民多琳·布朗为小马度身定制编织的,使用的材料正是设得兰羊毛。
        Fivla, a 17-year-old white pony, and 18-year-old Vitamin, cared for by Frances Taylor and Jo Tonkinson, were quite comfortable in their Shetland surroundings.17岁的白色矮种马Fivla和18岁的Vitamin是由弗朗西丝·泰勒和乔·汤姆金森两人照料的,他们穿着设得兰羊毛衫,看清上去非常舒适自在。
        “Its safe to say both Fivla and Vitamin didn’t seem to mind all the attention their custom made attire brought them,” the website says.“可以肯定地说,Fivla和Vitamin一点都不介意这身定制服装带来的关注。” 活动网站这样介绍道。
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