英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-31 14:11:36


        A loyal cat has been bringing his owner small gifts everyday in a show of affection. The catch? The cat's owner has been dead for over a year.为了表达对主人的爱意,一只忠诚的猫每天都给主人送些小礼物。关键是:猫的主人已经去世一年多了。
        Toldo -- a cute, 3-year-old black and white cat living in Montagnana, northern Italy. According to the Corriere Fiorentino, Toldo has been visiting his owner -- Iozzelli Renzo, who died on September 22, 2011, aged 71 -- every day for the past year and leaving small presents at the grave.托尔多是一只可爱的黑白相间的猫,它现在3岁,居住在意大利北部的蒙塔那那。根据当地媒体的 Corriere Fiorentino的说法,托尔多在过去的一年中每天都来看他的主人伦索,在它主人墓前放些小礼物,而主人在2011年9月22日已经去世,享年71岁。
        The gifts usually consist of leaves, sticks, twigs, plastic cups or paper towels.这些小礼物通常是叶子、小树棍、树枝、塑料杯子或者纸巾。
        "Even today I went to the cemetery with Toldo. On the way back, someone I know told me the cat has already been there early this morning," Renzo's widow, Ada, told the Corriere Fiorentino.“今天我还和托尔多一起去了公墓。回来的路上,一个认识的人告诉我托尔多今天早上已经去过公墓了。”Renzo的妻子艾达对媒体记者表示道。
        Neighbors have also seen Toldo wandering around the cemetery through the day. It all started the day of the funeral, when the cat followed the coffin from the house to the cemetery.邻居们也看到过托尔多整天在公墓附近徘徊。托尔多是从葬礼那天开始去公墓的,葬礼当天这只猫跟着主人的棺材从家来到了墓地。

        The next morning, Ada went to the grave again. "We went to the cemetery with my daughter and found a sprig of acacia on the grave. I immediately thought that it was the cat, but my daughter was convinced that I was just in a very emotional state at that moment," she told the news source.葬礼结束后第二天早上,艾达又去了墓地。“我和女儿去墓地的时候发现墓前放着一段小树枝和一朵金合欢。我立即意识到这是猫放的,但是我女儿还以为那个时候我只是太感性而已。” 她这样对新闻来源表示。
        That night, however, Renzo's son returned to the cemetery and found Toldo standing guard at the grave. Ada says that her late husband shared a particularly strong bond with Toldo -- He'd adopted the feline from a cat colony when he was just 3 months old.然而那天晚上,伦索的儿子返回公墓时,却发现托尔多守在墓前。艾达说她过世的丈夫和托尔多之间的感情非常深,他在托尔多才3个月大的时候就把这只小母猫从野猫收留所领养了回来。
        Unfortunately, not everyone believes in the sanctity of the relationship between Toldo and his owner. Ada told La Nazione that people often try to shoo the cat away.不幸的是,并不是所有人都认为托尔多和他主人的感情是一种神圣的关系。艾达告诉La Nazione网站的记者说,她经常看见有人发出嘘声把猫赶走。
        "There are insensitive people who send him away with stones or other things, convinced that the presence of an animal in the cemetery is almost a desecration," she told the news source. Still, Toldo remains resilient and continues to visit the grave everyday.“有些麻木不仁的人经常扔石头或别的东西把猫赶走,因为他们觉得在动物出现在公墓是种亵渎。” 不过,托尔多还是坚持每天去墓地。
        "My husband was very affectionate with him. Renzo loved animals. It's almost as if Toldo would be grateful. He is a special cat, one can not help liking him, " Ada said.“我的丈夫十分喜爱这只猫,伦索很爱动物。托尔多好像对他非常感激。它是只特别的猫,你没法儿不喜欢它。” 艾达说。
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查看完整版本: 最忠诚喵星人:意大利猫咪每天给去世主人扫墓