He may have nine lives, but thanks to his unusual fur markings, Sam the cat has only one expression - worried.猫也许有九条命,但这只叫Sam的猫因为有着不同寻常的长相,它只有一个表情:愁啊!
The mystified moggy has become an internet sensation after his owner set up a page dedicated to him and his 'eyebrows'.这只表情困惑的喵星人现在爆红网络,它的主人为它和它的眉毛建了一个主页。
The feline, believed to be from New York, has more than 10,000 followers on picture sharing site Instagram, with his quizzical expression earning him world wide fame.这只来自纽约的喵星人在图片分享网站Instagram有超过1万名粉丝,它那古怪的表情已经让他在全球范围内火起来了。
The two black marks on his forehead give him a range of expressions that is wider than that of his feline friends, who usually reserve expressions of disdain for their owners. 它的前额上有两道黑色的印记,这让他的表情跟其他的猫非常不同,其他的喵星人通常总是一份鄙视主人的表情吧。
Sam's owner started the Instagram account which features almost 50 photos of the interestingly marked pet.Sam主人建了一个Instagram帐号,里面发布了50多张Sam有趣的照片。
The photos instantly became popular on the account named, 'samhaseyebrows,' with his owner stating in the biography: 'This is Sam. He has eyebrows.'这个帐号的名字叫“samhaseyebrows”,照片集迅速在网络爆红,它的主人则在介绍中这样写到:“这是我家的喵星人Sam,他有眉毛哦!”
The pictures of the cat quickly became an Internet sensation, spreading from Instagram to Twitter and Facebook. Even Sam looks surprised by his new found fame.这些有趣的照片很快在网络上流传开来,从Instagram网站流传了推特和脸书。不过看Sam的表情,它应该也对自己的名气表示很意外吧。