英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-31 14:11:32


        This owl looks like it's taking advantage of the cold weather to practise its skating moves on the ice.冰天雪地的加拿大,这只猫头鹰貌似是在利用这样的天气条件练习自己的溜冰技巧。
        The snowy owl was captured on camera with one leg outstretched behind it while it balanced on one claw.摄影师捕捉到这只雪鸮伸出一只腿,仅靠另一只爪子就能保持平衡。
        But, the beautiful bird may just have been stretching after it woke up to freezing temperatures of -20C in Montreal, Canada.不过这只漂亮的雪鸮也许只是睡醒了舒展下身体而已。照片拍摄于加拿大东南部的蒙特利尔市,当地非常寒冷,气温达到了零下20度。

        Wildlife photographer Yves Adams battled the freezing winds to capture the incredible shots on camera - after following the bird all day.野生动物摄影师伊夫-亚当顶着寒风,在跟着这只猫头鹰整整一天后,拍到这些非常赞的照片。
        Mr Adams, from Belgium, said: ‘I had seen the owl hunting in the area for a few days, so I tried to follow him, as he'd obviously found a good spot.来自比利时的亚当先生表示:“我这些天一直观察到这只猫头鹰在这个区域狩猎,所以我想跟着他,他明显是找到了一个好地方啊。”
        ‘I really wanted to get close to this bird, so I crawled very slowly through the snow, protected in my down clothing, for an hour or so.“我非常想再离他近一些,所以我慢慢地在雪地上匍匐前行,我的羽绒服的颜色正好可以隐去我的身形,大概趴了有一个多小时吧。”

        ‘Eventually I came pretty close, maybe 15 metres away, but the owl was very relaxed. It was a beautiful thing to see, even if it was very cold, lying on the snow.“后来我距离他非常非常近,可能只有15米。这只雪鸮看起来非常放松,他是一只非常美丽的猫头鹰,虽然天气很冷我还得趴在雪地上,但是我觉得什么都值得了。”
        ‘Although the bird was in a deep sleep, his peeping eyes recorded every movement I made. Suddenly he woke up, and stretched. This all happened in seconds, so I had to react very very fast.“虽然他处在深度睡眠状态,但他的眼睛似乎能瞥见我所有的活动。突然他就醒了,伸展了下身体。一切都发生得非常快,所以我要捕捉到镜头也必须非常快才行。”
        ‘I have a lot of respect for these northern birds. I was able to retreat to my warm hotel room each night, but this bird had to stay out all night, often with strong blizzards at night, with very low temperatures.’“我对这些北地的鸟儿充满了敬意。我每天晚上还可以回到温暖的宾馆里,但他整夜都要待在外面,蒙特利尔这里晚上经常会有强暴风雪,气温也非常低。”
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查看完整版本: 雪地里的猫头鹰:哈利波特的信使也卖萌