As one of the most playful members of the Animal Kingdom, otters are often pictured fishing for food and interacting with one another.水獭可谓是动物王国最可爱的动物之一,经常被拍到捕食和相互嬉戏的照片。
But this particular creature appeared quite camera shy, and went to extremes to primp and preen before he was snapped.但图片中的这只在镜头前貌似非常害羞,就算是被偷拍也要精心打扮一番。
Only after careful grooming does this otter appear ready for its close up.仔细收拾了下自己后水獭才摆出姿势,表示自己准备好拍照啦。
The series of photographs were taken by husband and wife team Pat and Tom Leeson. The couple, both 62, shot this particular expressive otter around their home in Washington state.这一系列的照片是由一对62岁的夫妇拍摄的,他们在位于美国华盛顿州的家附近拍到了这只非常有表现力的水獭。
The couple have traveled around the world, photographing wildlife, and their pictures have appeared in National Geographic and Reader’s Digest, among many other publications.这对夫妇在全球各地旅行,拍摄各种野生动物,他们的作品经常会出现在《国家地理杂志》《读者文摘》和其他的一些刊物上。
Sea otters are famous for taking meticulous care of their fur coats, making sure they are clean and free from debris.众所知之,水獭非常喜欢精心打理自己的毛皮,保证自己干净整洁身上没有碎屑。
Otters are most commonly found in the Pacific Northwest in waters off the coast. But they can also be found in Russia and Japan.水獭经常出现在太平洋西北地区邻近海岸的水域里,但也会出没在俄罗斯和日本等地。