雪地嬉戏晒太阳 北极熊一家三口集体卖萌
It’s fun playing in the snow. But it’s even more fun when you have something big and warm to snuggle up to. 在雪地里玩耍固然有趣,不过有个又大又暖和的东西让你可以依偎时,那就更有趣了。
For these two boisterous polar bear cubs, that big warm something came in the form of mum.对这两只贪玩的北极熊幼崽来说,这个又大又暖和的东西是他们的母亲。
Not only did she give them a ride on her back but she also let them use her as a blanket as they settled down in the snow.她不仅让它们骑到自己的背上,当北极熊宝宝安坐在雪地里的时候,她还是当它们的地毯。
One lucky cub even got to shelter between her forearms as she gazed out across the white wastes of the Waspusk National Park in Canada in temperatures of -20C, captured in these images by photographer Keren Su.在气温零下20摄氏度的加拿大的Waspusk 国家公园里,摄影师克伦·苏有幸拍到了这些有爱的照片,其中有这样一幕:其中一只幼崽躲在妈妈前臂底下,凝视着远方的雪景。
But like any mother, she also found that when she fancied a rest herself, the little ones were determined to keep her awake to play.就像其他的母亲一样,这只北极熊母亲也发现每当自己想要休息时,这两只小家伙就是不让她停歇,非要闹着要和她一起玩耍。
Mr Su, from Redmond, Washington, endured temperatures of -20 degrees Celsius in a bid to get the delightful shots but admitted sightings of polar bear cubs was never guaranteed.来自华盛顿雷德蒙德市的克伦·苏冒着零下20摄氏度的严寒,目的就是想要拍下一些可爱的场景,但是他从来没想到会拍到这么可爱的北极熊幼崽画面。
He said: 'It is a paradise for the polar bears but not for human beings. We had been taking our chances for days and found nothing.他说:“这样的场景对北极熊来说简直就是美好的天堂,而对人类来说却不是。我们每天都在观察却什么也没发现。”
'I was there on a very clear mission to get photos of the polar bear cubs. I believe that the beauty of nature is always hidden in the remote areas difficult to access.“我去那里有个明确的任务就是拍摄北极熊幼崽。我相信自然美总是隐藏在遥远的地方,不易察觉。”
'The young cubs need rest after walking for a certain amount of time, so the mother bear had to find a place safe enough for them to relax.“走了一段时间之后幼崽们需要休息一下,所以熊妈妈不得不找个足够安全的地方好让它们休息。”
'In one photo, it is as if one cub was telling the other to be quiet because mum needed a bit of sleep.'The cubs never left their mum very far. They always wanted to snuggle with her.“在一张图片中,好像一只幼崽在告诉另外一只要安静点,妈妈要睡觉。它们不会离妈妈很远,它们总想着依偎在母亲身边。”
'This was one of my most enjoyable moments during all of my trips to this area.' Mr Su said when the team came across the cubs, they were not afraid of their human companions.“这是我去这个地方的所有旅途中最令我享受的一刻。” 苏先生说当他们的队伍靠近它们时,它们一点也不害怕这些人类。
'Mothers are very protective of their cubs and taking a picture is totally different from just seeing a bear.“母亲们对她们幼崽的保护意识很强,要想拍照可不像仅仅看到她们那样简单。”
'When we found them resting, we had to let the bears accept us approaching them. Gradually they would allow us to watch them from a distance.“当看到它们休息的时候,我们要让它们允许我们靠近。一般情况下,它们会让我们从远处看。”
'When they felt we were not a threat to them, we got the opportunity to photograph them.“当它们感到我们不对它们造成威胁之后,我们就可以趁机给它们拍照了。”
'I love winter, it’s my favourite season because it’s a very romantic and poetic time to photograph animals. I love to take pictures in the snow just for the thrill of it.'“我热爱冬季,这是我最爱的一个季节,因为这个时候给动物拍照是一件很浪漫而又富于诗意的事情。我喜欢在雪地里拍照,因为会有很多惊喜。”