英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-31 14:11:28

嫉妒中国熊猫受宠 企鹅向游客投掷粪便抗议

        Unsuspecting visitors waiting to see Edinburgh Zoo's new giant pandas have become the victims of a jealous penguin rage.中国大熊猫在英国爱丁堡动物园安家,来一睹大熊猫真容的民众络绎不绝,不过这可惹火了隔壁邻居跳岩企鹅。这不,毫无戒备的排队参观者就成了这只怒火中烧的企鹅的袭击受害者了。
        The UK’s only pair of such pandas, Tian Tian and Yang Guang, arrived from China last month and the zoo has seen a noticeable increase in the number of people coming to catch a glimpse of them.上个月从中国远渡重洋来到英国的甜甜和阳光,是英国唯一一对大熊猫。来动物园观看大熊猫的人数不断攀升。
        But not everyone is excited by the new arrivals. 不过对动物园新来的居民,可不是所有人都皆大欢喜哦。
        The BBC reports several rockhopper penguins, whose enclosure neighbours the pandas' enclosure, could be suffering from a case of "monochrome jealousy" and are taking their envy out on innocent bystanders.据BBC新闻报道,大熊猫的邻居跳岩企鹅就很不开心,因为不满大熊猫受宠,跳岩企鹅们向无辜的路人发泄了他们的嫉妒情绪。

        A 41-year-old zoo-goer, who didn't want to be named said: "We were queuing to see the pandas when a man in front shouted out in surprise that his jacket had been hit by a big dollop of penguin poo.一位不愿意透露姓名的41岁观众表示:“我们当时正在排队等着大熊猫,就听见前面有人特别惊讶地尖叫一声。他的夹克被一大块企鹅粪便击中了。”
        "It was really oily and stank of fish. It was disgusting."“油乎乎的,闻起来还有股鱼臭味儿,太恶心了。”
        Gary Wilson, director of business operations at the zoo said the birds have been particularly interested in the pandas ever since they arrived at their new home.动物园的商业运营主任Gary Wilson表示自大熊猫来这里安家后,跳岩企鹅就对它们表示出了极大的兴趣,每天都会饶有兴趣地盯着熊猫馆。
        " extremely curious birds, they often gather next to the wall to see what's happening below. We're hoping it's not a case of monochrome jealousy, but one or two of our rockhoppers seem to have had surprisingly good aim," Mr Wilson said.他表示:“这些企鹅的好奇心真的很重,它们经常聚集到墙边,密切注视着熊猫馆的一切。我们当然希望这不是因为嫉妒而出现的事件,不过我们动物园里的跳岩企鹅看起来很擅长瞄准啊!”
        Most of those unfortunate enough to cop the brunt of the poo pelting have laughed it off, however, the zoo plans to install a glass panel to protect visitors from future attacks. 大部分被企鹅粪便砸到的倒霉观众都一笑置之,但动物园计划在围栏上安装玻璃挡板,避免有游客再中招。
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