英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-31 14:11:27


        He has won tens of thousands of admirers – but just how many of them would be brave enough to try to stroke him is anyone’s guess. 它已经赢得了数十万的崇拜者——然而大家可能都想知道,究竟有多少粉丝敢去抚摸这只猫?
        This is Colonel Meow, the furious-looking feline whose sourpuss expression has made him an internet sensation. 这就是“喵上校”,一只拥有愤怒表情的猫,它不怒自威的表情让它迅速在网络上走红。
        Despite a rather fluffy coat, the black smoke Persian cat appears anything but cuddly thanks to his evil stare and a face that seems to be fixed in a permanent frown. 尽管有着一身蓬松的绒毛,这只灰黑色的波斯猫却看起来一点也不乖巧可爱,只有那邪恶的眼神,和那似乎永远定格在它紧皱眉头间的表情。
        Fans have nicknamed him the ‘world’s angriest cat’ and have compared his hostile demeanour to that of an evil dictator. 它的粉丝们戏称他是“世上最愤怒的猫”,并把它那充满敌意的容貌与邪恶的暴君联系在一起。

        But while even the most ardent cat lover might be reluctant to get too close to Colonel Meow in real life, his Facebook page has attracted more than 32,000 ‘likes’ from around the world.即便是最热情的爱猫人在现实生活中也不会愿意太过靠近这位“喵上校”,但这并不不妨碍它的Facebook主页吸引世界上超过32000粉丝按“赞”。
        Photographs uploaded to the page by his owner Anne Marie Avey carry tongue-in-cheek captions on Colonel Meow’s behalf, such as: ‘Behold, minions! I have learned to touch my nose with my tongue. Now honour my great achievement . . .  with treaties and scotch.’ 它的主人安妮·玛丽·埃维在主页上传了照片,并以“喵上校” 口吻配上了搞笑的说明,例如:“看哪,奴才们!我已经学会用我的舌头舔鼻子了。快用糖果和威士忌来庆祝我的伟大成就吧。”
        Another reads: ‘I WANT to plan my world domination . . . but I also wanna get drunk and eat treaties.’另一句说道:“我打算统治世界……不过我也想喝得大醉,吃糖果。”
        Like many dictators, Colonel Meow had a troubled upbringing – the profile discloses that he was found by the roadside after being abandoned in Seattle, Washington. “喵上校”的成长历程很坎坷。从资料可以看到,它最初被遗弃在华盛顿西雅图的街头,后来被人在路边捡到。

        But his softer side is also revealed in a brief biography where he admits that he has a fear of birds which might hamper his ambitions to conquer the world. 但在简短的经历介绍中,人们也可以看出它温柔的一面。它承认自己怕鸟,而且这可能会阻碍它实现占领世界的雄心。
        Miss Avey, who adopted Colonel Meow from an animal shelter, now hopes to take him to Los Angeles and make him a star.主人埃维从一家动物收容所收养了“喵上校”,现在她打算带它企业洛杉矶,使它成为明星。
        And perhaps world domination isn’t too far away, as Facebook users have posted dozens of pictures of themselves pulling sour expressions in tribute to the grumpy pet. 也许“喵上校”统治世界的梦想不久就能实现了。很多Facebook用户模仿它愤怒的样子并将照片上传到网上分享。
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查看完整版本: 张飞附体!美国“喵上校”被称世界上最愤怒的猫