1 If a dog is a year old, that is the equivalent of 15 in human years (not seven as we always thought).如果狗是1岁,相当于人的15岁(而不是我们平时知道的7岁)。
2 When a dog reaches the age of two, he is already approximately 24 in human years (not 14 as commonly believed). But not to worry, read on. 如果狗是2岁,它却已经相当于人的24岁了(不是一般认为的14岁)。但别担心,继续看。
3 Add four years to every year after age two. For example, a three-year-old dog is equivalent to 28 in human years; a four-year-old is 32, a five-year-old, 36, a six-year-old, 40--and so on. 狗2岁以后,每过一年加4岁。例如,一条狗3岁相当于人的28岁,4岁相当于人的32岁,5岁相当于人的36岁,6岁相当于人的40岁......以此类推。
4 Take the dog's size into consideration, since smaller dogs generally have longer life spans than larger dogs, with toy breeds tending to live the longest and giant breeds, the shortest. For example, according to the above method, a six-year-old dog is considered 40 in human years, when in fact a larger dog may actually be closer to 42. However, veterinarians consider this a good general chart to follow for all dogs. 狗的大小也要考虑在内,因为较小的狗一般比较大的狗的寿命长,而且玩具型犬趋于活的时间最长,而大型犬则最短。比如说,根据上面的规律,一条6岁的狗应该相当于人的40岁,但实际上较大的狗可能接近于42岁。然而,兽医们认为这种方法可以作为狗寿命的总图表,适用于所有种类的狗。