Despite being 15 times smaller than the trophy she would eventually win, a 14-year-old mutt named Yoda (possibly a mix of teacup Chihuahua and Chinese crested) took the title of World's Ugliest Dog last Friday.虽然这只名叫Yoda的小狗(很可能是吉娃娃和中国冠毛犬的杂交)的身材虽然只有自己拿到奖杯的1/15,不过这只14岁的小狗的确是拿到了“全世界最丑狗狗”的大奖。
Even more improbable than her tiny size is the fact that this year was Yoda's first time participating in the competition, which happens annually in Petaluma, Calif. "I've had a lot of friends over the years ask me to enter her into the contest," owner Terry Schumacher tells PEOPLE. "But she's not ugly – she's cute!"这只小狗今年是第一次参加在加利福尼亚州帕塔鲁马举办的这次比赛。“我很多朋友都劝我带她来参加这个比赛。”小狗的主人Terry Schumacher告诉《PEOPLE》杂志。“但是她又不丑——她很可爱的!”
Schumacher, a Californian, first met Yoda 12 years ago, when her then 4-year-old daughter came running up with an animal from a field.生活在加利福尼亚州的Schumacher第一次遇见Yoda是12年前,当时她4岁的小女儿抱着一只小动物来找她。
"She came walking up to me and said she'd found this puppy," Schumacher says. "I was yelling at her, telling her to put it down. I thought it was a field rat. I thought it had rabies."“她走到我面前告诉我她找到了这只小狗,”Schumacher说。“我大声的凶她,让她把狗放在地上。我当时以为这是一只大老鼠。”
But, upon closer inspection, the field rat was in fact a dog, and for 12 years since, Yoda – so named because of her resemblance to the Star Wars character – has ruled the roost.但是走近仔细看才发现这只大野鼠其实是一只小狗,之后12年,这只和《星球大战》里Yoda长相相似也同名的小狗就真正的找到了自己的家。
"We have a snake, two turtles, three dogs and a cat," Schumacher says. "She's the boss of everybody. She runs 'em all off." “我们养了一条蛇、两只乌龟、3只狗和一只猫,”Schumacher说。“她(Yoda)是家里的老大,全家动物都是她小弟。”