狗妈妈领养狮虎兽 超萌彪宝宝爱撒娇
Two Liger Cubs, an extremely rare cross between a male lion and a female tiger, are being nursed by a dog in China’s Xixiaku Zoo. It is unclear why the mother tiger stopped feeding the two cubs, but they seem to be doing quite well with their canine stepmother. The dog was enlisted to help after it recently had puppies of it’s own.在山东西霞口野生动物园,两只小彪(雄狮和雌虎交配生出来的宝宝,也叫狮虎),在出生后不知道为什么被虎妈妈抛弃了,现在是被一只狗照顾抚养,彪宝宝们看起来跟狗妈妈相处很融洽。这只狗是在有了自己的宝宝不久后被请来照顾它们的。
Two liger cubs are growing up fast. The two cubs, which are almost three months old, are currently being weaned onto solid food... 这两只彪宝宝长得很快,现在差不多有三个月大,能吃固体食物了。