This dangerous escapee is facing a nine-life sentence after being recaptured. But at least he's already wearing his prison stripes.这个危险的越狱大侠被抓后要面临9年监禁。可是,他肿么已经迫不及待滴穿上条纹囚服了呢??
Chengdu Zoo in Sichuan Province: With guns drawn, police stepped into neutralise the threat from an escaped tiger.四川成都动物园:警察们放下枪,解除了“有一只老虎逃亡”的警报。
Some of them even managed to keep a straight face.有几个警察强忍着,差点就笑出来了,囧~~
The escaped tiger - a man in a ridiculous tigger-style costume - was the star of a training session for zoo staff who were practicing how to respond should a real tiger escape from its enclosure.这只“越狱”的老虎——一只披着虎皮的人——可是演练中的大明星,这场演练目的是为了让动物园的工作人员在真的有老虎逃出笼子时能够快速反应。
In front a crowd of amazed onlookers, the "tiger" hid in bushes and ran down walkways - quite skillfully for a quadruped - trying his best to evade his captors.在好奇围观者的众目睽睽之下,这只老虎一会儿藏在树丛中,一会儿又“裸奔”在人行道上——煞有四足动物之介事地逃离猎手们的追捕。
Eventually the authorities cut short the tiger's dash for freedom, using brooms and big sticks to subdue the savage beast.终于,警察们截断了老虎的逃亡之路,用扫帚和大棍伺候了这只“兽兽”。