英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-31 14:11:17


        I'll box your ears! Angry mother kangaroo pictured telling off her naughty joey打你耳光!生气的袋鼠妈妈被拍到教训淘气幼崽
        This cheeky young kangaroo won't be misbehaving again after what looked like a stern telling off from his long-suffering mum.这只顽皮的小袋鼠看起来被好脾气的妈妈严厉地批评了一顿,估计下次再也不敢不守规矩咯!
        In an uncannily human-like show of emotion, the female appears to dish out some tough love to her offspring.这只雌性袋鼠表现出了让人诧异的人类情感:对子女严厉的爱。
        She is seen grabbing the joey by the shoulders in what looks like an attempt to catch his attention.袋鼠妈妈被拍到抓着小袋鼠的肩膀,看起来是想引起小袋鼠的注意。
        In other pictures, she towers menacingly above the startled youngster and even appears to point a warning finger at him as he squirms out of her pouch.在其他的照片中,袋鼠妈妈面带怒容居高临下地盯着小袋鼠,小袋鼠看起来明显被吓呆了。这还不算,在小袋鼠扭动着身体想要爬出育儿袋的时候,袋鼠妈妈伸出手指,明显是在警告小袋鼠:妈妈很生气!

        The scene between mother and baby were caught on camera by John Eastcott and Yva Momatiuk.袋鼠妈妈和宝宝之间有趣的这一幕被John Eastcott 和Yva Momatiuk夫妇的摄像镜头捕捉到了。
        The married couple, from the Catskill Mountains, in New York State, America, were visiting the Yuraygir National Park in New South Wales, Australia.这对夫妇来自美国纽约州的卡茨基尔山地区,他们当时是在澳大利亚新南威尔士州的尤瑞格国家公园旅行。
        And they were lucky enough to find this Eastern Grey kangaroo female with her offspring.他们真的够幸运,能发现东部灰袋鼠妈妈和她的孩子。
        Yva said: “This was one of two females with young joeys. The mothers were grazing in short grass and periodically resting, while the babies kept sticking their heads and legs out of the pouches.”Yva说道:“我们遇到了两只带着幼崽的袋鼠妈妈,当时他们在草丛中吃草并短暂休息,袋鼠宝宝们不断地把脑袋和腿伸出育儿袋。”
        “The scene was very peaceful and had a special intimacy - mamas and babies enjoying a warm day in the sun. We stayed with the kangaroos all day and when evening came the action got more vigorous.”她接着说道:“这一幕非常的和谐,有一种特别的亲密感。妈妈和宝宝一起享受温暖的阳光。我们和袋鼠们待了一整天。到夜晚降临的时候,它们的行动表示地精力充沛。”
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