Lala the king penguin lives with a family in Japan, and he wears a little penguin backpack on his trips to the fish market. Awwwww, that’s adorable! Did you see the way the Antarctic bird is living in an air-conditioned room under the stairs in a hot and humid city? 这只可爱的帝企鹅名叫拉拉,是日本一户人家的宠物,它会自己背着企鹅书包去买鱼,好可爱!你有见过这种南极的生物是住在炎热潮湿的城市里吹空调的吗?
Of course, there haven’t been any new episodes of “Real TV” since 2001, so even though this video is new to the Internet, Lala may very well be dead. Settle down, settle down — king penguins live 30 years, so I’m sure he’s fine. 不过话说虽然这个视频是近期才在网上走红,这只企鹅可能早就死了——淡定淡定,帝企鹅的寿命有30年,所以拉拉现在应该还活得好好的。