Male splendid fairy-wrens in Australia prefer to make their calls after a predator makes its, and females pay more attention when the calls are linked.澳大利亚的雄性华丽细尾鹪鹩一般会在听到捕食者的警告叫声后发出回应叫声,而雌性鹪鹩则对这种接连发出的回应叫声特别敏感。
It’s one of the oldest moves in teen dating. Head to a scary movie. As soon as the scary music kick in, your date cuddles closer for comfort. Well, some birds may have the same idea. Splendid fairy-wrens are small, sexually promiscuous birds native to Australia. It turns out that males get the attention of potential mates by making their move after a predator announces its presence. The research was published in the journal Behavioral Ecology.青年人约会时经常去看恐怖电影,也会听那些令人惊悚的配音。当毛骨悚然的音乐响起时,你的同伴可能就会靠得更近,以此寻求一些安全感……小鸟同样用这样的策略。“华丽细尾鹪鹩”是一种体型娇小,经常更换交配的产于澳大利亚的小鸟。最近的研究表明,这种鸟类的雄鸟在捕食者发出警告声音后,发起行动以引起获取雌鸟的关注。这一研究结果发表在了《行为生态学》杂志上。
That’s the sound of butcherbirds, which prey on splendid wrens. Every time male wrens hear that cry, they sing this in response . Researchers say the calls become layered atop one another, almost like a duet.咕咕咕,这是伯劳鸟的叫声。伯劳鸟的猎物就是华丽细尾鹪鹩。当雄性鹪鹩听到伯劳鸟的这种声音,他们就会做出回应,叽叽叽。研究人员表示,鹪鹩的回应声紧跟伯劳鸟的警告声,很像二重奏。
The scientists tested the response of female wrens by playing recorded bird calls. They played just the male fairy-wren call. Then they played the trill of the wrens singing immediately after the butcherbirds. The females became significantly more alert—looking to the sound or singing in response—after hearing the two calls together than they did if they heard just the wren. And so for both teens and wrens, a bit of fear might help a guy get the chick.研究人员利用录音的方式,调查了雌鸟对此的反应。研究人员首先只播放了雄鸟的普通叫声,然后播放了伯劳鸟的警告声及雄鸟立即做出的回应声。结果雌鸟在听到后者时,做出的回应很强烈,会立即寻找叫声的方向,并同样发出回应叫声。所以,无论是青年鹪鹩还是青年人,利用一下恐惧,就会帮你捕获芳心。