英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-31 14:11:13

英国39岁猫猫:相当于人类172岁 或成世界最老猫

        39-year-old cat thought to be world's oldest39岁猫猫也许是世界最老猫
        Cat Lucy is thought to be the oldest in the world after its 39th birthday. She is now living in South Wales, UK.猫咪露西今年39岁,有望获得“世界上最年长猫”这一称号。它居住在英国的南威尔士。
        Compared with an average cat that could only live for 15 years, Lucy has more than doubled her life expectancy - she was born in 1972 and has clocked up the equivalent of 172 human years, according to cat experts. And some people say they can verify seeing her in the fish and chip shop in the early seventies.普通猫咪寿命仅有15年,而露西的寿命几乎延长了一倍多——她出生于1972年,据猫科专家称,她如今的年龄相当于人类的172岁。甚至还有人说早在上世纪70年代初期就在鱼店和薯条店见到露西。
        Now although deaf, Lucy catches mice in the garden, still in good shape and extremely independent.虽然耳朵有些聋,但还能捉老鼠,而且身材保持的不错,个性也很独立。
        Until now the world's oldest recorded cat was a pet called Puff from Texas, USA, which lived for 38 years and three days. However, a spokesman for Guinness World Records said there was no entry for the world's oldest cat.此前,世界上最年长的猫是美国得克萨斯州一只名叫普夫的猫,活了38岁零3天。据吉尼斯世界纪录委员会发言人的说法,目前还没有“世界上最年长猫”这一条目。
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