There’s been a flurry of news items relating Apple’s plans for 2012, and reportedly Apple is planning a late January event in New York City that is meant for publishers or advertisers as compared to being for consumers. There are multiple indications that the event will be for Textbook publishers as the iPad and Apple attempt to revolutionize textbooks as they did for music and apps.关于苹果公司2012年的计划,已经有了许多报道。据说苹果公司计划于1月底在纽约召开的发布会将面向出版商和广告商,而不是普通用户。有许多迹象表明,这场发布会将针对教科书出版商,而苹果和iPad将试图掀起教科书的革命——正如他们曾经掀起了音乐和应用软件的革命一样。
Steve Jobs made mention of textbooks in his biography, and Walter Isaacson has fleshed out the idea,乔布斯生前曾提过一些关于教科书的想法,而他的传记作者沃尔特·艾萨克森在《乔布斯传》中将之表述得更完善:
"His idea was to hire great textbook writers to create digital versions, and make them a feature of the iPad. In addition, he held meetings with major publishers, such as Pearson Education, about partnering with Apple."“他的想法是雇佣一批优秀的教科书编写者来编写电子版的教科书,并将之打造成iPad的特色。另外他也曾和主要的教科书出版商——比如Pearson Education(一家从事教育书籍出版的跨国公司)——商讨过合作的可能性。”
Also, Clayton Morris of Fox News, claims that the event will focus on iTunes U and possible textbooks.福克斯广播公司记者柯雷顿·莫里斯亦声称这场发布会的焦点将是iTunes U(网络名校公开课)和可能的教科书项目。
Others have weighed in as well with MacRumors reporting that,此后其他媒体也加入进来,比如业内网站MacRumors称:
"Apple last month filmed a series of short interviews with textbook industry executives. The interviews are said to have been of the type that would be used in one of Apple’s promotional overview videos for a new product or service."“上个月苹果拍摄了一系列对教科书行业高管的采访。据说这些采访将被用于苹果的新产品或新服务的宣传片中。”
TechCrunch is also claiming that the event will focus on publishing and the iBookstore. If that wasn’t enough, Apple reportedly struck deals with textbook publishers before the iPad launched in 2010, but has been keeping it quiet since then.科技博客TechCrunch亦报道称这场发布会将关注出版业和iBookstore。此外,据说苹果在2010年iPad发布之前就与多家教科书出版商达成了交易,但这些交易此后就没了下文。
There are a lot of different sources all aligning around one topic for Apple’s event in late January. It will be an event about textbooks, the iBookstore, and publishers though the details of the revolutionizing of textbooks is non existent. We will wait and see, but classrooms could change forever because of what Apple reveals this month.各种不同来源的消息都围绕着一个主题:苹果将于1月底召开的发布会。这将会是一场关于教科书,iBookstore和出版商的发布会,尽管所谓“教科书革命”的细节目前还无法知晓。苹果即将发布的消息可能会永久地改变我们的教室,我们且拭目以待 。