1. Telecoms Secretly Dislike Apple——运营商们不喜欢苹果公司
Apple has played hard balls with telecoms giants ever since the iPhone was released. Its stubbornness (some will say arrogance) is what potential Chinese customers to miss out on the iPhone v1.0 (see iPhone talks crash and burn in China). Google on the contrary will almost certainly sweeten the pill with the five/six major telecom companies worldwide by offering a slice of the overall advertising revenues, through a potential Adsense solution for telecom companies.自从iphone发布之日起,苹果公司对广大运营商就特别强硬。他的强硬或者说傲慢就是中国消费者没有机会使用iphone1的原因。而谷歌不会这么做,谷歌向来都会和全球最大的那么5到6个运营商打好关系,并且分享广告中一部分利润,为各个运营商提供adsense的解决方案。
2. Google to have more marketing clout——安卓更有市场影响力
Like Microsoft with Windows, Google will almost certainly depend on phone manufacturers and mobile phone networks to evangelise the Android platform. This will not only give Google a headstart compared to Apple but it also means that Google will be able to dedicate more financial and human resources to developing applications and improving the backend.就像微软的windows,谷歌也需要依赖于广大的手机制造商和移动电话的渠道来扩大安卓平台的影响力。这不仅会给谷歌一个领先机会,也可以让谷歌投入更多的资金和人力资源来发展它的程序和壮大终端。
3. Android will have more Hardware Variety——安卓更有硬件多样性
Although Android is currently marketed as a Handset solution, nothing will/should prevent Google from thinking outside the box and planning for other non-handset devices.虽然安卓到现在为止仅仅只是一个手机终端的解决方案,但是人们没有理由去认为谷歌不会利用一些创新思维,然后把手机终端移植到一些其他的地方。
4. There will be an Android Priced for Everyone——安卓可以订制所有元素
Because Google gives manufacturers freedom to design, one can expect Android to appear on cheap and expensive smartphones to cater for all budgets. Google will not charge a penny for the license and will allow extreme customisations as well.由于谷歌批准制造商对于产品进行任何修改,人们可以想象安卓出现在任何价位的手机上。而谷歌不会为安卓的牌照收取一分钱,而且允许极端的用户定制。
5. Developers——重视程序开发者
Google allows industry players to add proprietary functionality to their products without having to contribute anything back to the platform since Android uses Apache license - which doesn't have a copyleft clause - rather than GPL.由于Google使用Apache证书,因此那些努力的程序员可以向系统之中加入任意的功能而不用向Google出让一分钱,而苹果的GPL则不可能。
6. Android Thrives On Openness——安卓以开放获胜
Android also uses Davlik, a Java layer brought in by Google to improve compatibility which makes it hardware agnostic and opens a wide range of possibilities安卓同样也使用一个叫做Davlik的Java应用层来提高安卓的兼容性,这可以让安卓在任何无法识别的硬件系统上运行,打开无限可能。
7. Apple has agenda/set dates——苹果有发布周期
Obviously, Apple has to keep significant gaps between releases to plan ahead for further product launches.Google on the other hand does not have a set agenda and this means that you can expect to see cutting edge technology in Android based phones much faster.很明显,苹果纵使在产品与产品之间安排一个周期,这样才能保证自己可以有时间去计划下一个产品的发布。谷歌却不这么做,谷歌没有一个产品发布计划,这意味着你可以在任何时候获得谷歌决定性的科技突破。
8. Android is Build for the net——安卓为互联网而生
Because Google is behind Android, you can expect the platform to have internet access at its core and while Apple pushes the iPhone as a "Jack of all trade" that does phoning on the side. 由于谷歌是安卓的开发商,因此我么可以预期在安卓的内核当中就有因特网的连接,但是由于苹果把iphone做成了万金油,电话只是一个附加功能。
9. No reliance on related product segments——安卓没有相关联的其他产品线
Apple has to care about the iPhone not killing the iPod touch altogether and has to make sure that iTunes is properly tied in; plus there's the Mac Book and the rest of the iPod range. Google does not have any hardware products to care about.苹果必须关注自己的iphone不会导致ipod和itouch的销路被阻塞,同时也需要保证itune能够被很好的捆绑进去,另外,由于苹果还有imac以及其他的产品线。但是谷歌没有任何硬件挡道,他也不需要关注自己的产品之间产生竞争。
10. Deeper integration——深度集成
Although Google will provide developers with full freedom with regards to Android development, it will also present manufacturers with a template, a foundation that uses off the shelf, easily available, widely acceptable products. 虽然说谷歌为开发者提供完全自由的平台去增设自己想要的功能,谷歌同时也提供一些模板和基础,消费者可以灵活轻松的使用到这些广泛应用的软件。