Jeremy Shu-How Lin (born August 23, 1988) is an American professional basketball player with the New York Knicks of the National Basketball Association (NBA). After receiving no athletic scholarship offers out of high school and being undrafted out of college, the 2010 Harvard University graduate reached a partially guaranteed contract deal later that year with his hometown Golden State Warriors. In late 2011, Lin spent less than two weeks with the Houston Rockets, moving to the New York Knicks at the very end of the year. Lin is one of the few Asian Americans in NBA history, and the first American player in the league to be of Chinese descent.林书豪(1988年8月23日-),生于美国加州旧金山湾区帕罗奥图(硅谷地区),职业篮球运动员,主打控球后卫,身高191厘米,体重91公斤。父母均为来自台湾的移民,在美国出生长大,毕业于哈佛大学,为哈佛大学历来第二位进入NBA的篮球员。也是NBA第7位亚裔美籍球员和第一位华裔美籍球员。
High school career高校期
In his senior year in 2005–2006, Lin captained Palo Alto High School to a 32–1 record and upset nationally ranked Mater Dei, 51–47, for the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) Division II state title. According to Dana O'Neil of ESPN, "Lin was the runaway choice for player of the year by virtually every California publication."He was named first-team All-State and Northern California Division II Player of the Year, ending his senior year averaging 15.1 points, 7.1 assists, 6.2 rebounds and 5.0 steals.2005至2006年林书豪就读帕罗奥图市的帕罗奥图高中,并参与该校篮球校队,之后成为队中队长。在加州校际联盟系列比赛中,缴出了平均15.1分、6.2篮板、7.1助攻、5.0抢断的成绩。而所属球队也以32胜1负96%的胜率,赢得该区的冠军,并刷新先前圣母高校(Mater Dei)所保持的51胜47负92%的纪录。林书豪获选该区当年度的高校全明星。当时ESPN记者丹娜·奥尼尔(Dana O'neal)对于林书豪评价为“几乎各加州相关报道刊物皆会看中的最佳球员”。
College career 大学期
Lin sent his résumé and a DVD of highlights to all the Ivy League schools, Cal, and his dream schools Stanford and UCLA. The Pac-10 schools wanted him to walk-on. Harvard and Brown were the only teams that guaranteed him a spot on their basketball teams, but Ivy League schools do not offer athletic scholarships.高校就读结束后,林书豪曾将自已的比赛画面剪辑成DVD影碟,寄送给所有的常春藤盟校、柏克莱加州大学、斯坦福大学以及UCLA等以争取入学机会。之后哈佛大学及布朗大学出面保证能让林书豪在校队有一席之地,林书豪选择进入哈佛大学。
For the season, Harvard set numerous program records including wins (21), non-conference wins (11), home wins (11) and road/neutral wins (10). Lin finished his career as the first player in the history of the Ivy League to record at least 1,450 points (1,483), 450 rebounds (487), 400 assists (406) and 200 steals (225). He graduated from Harvard in 2010 with a degree in economics and a 3.1 grade-point average.林书豪在哈佛校队的期间;累积了总得分1483分、487篮板、406助攻、225个抢断的成绩。当时的表现也被认为是仅次于约翰·沃尔的年度最佳控卫。 而林书豪在哈佛最后则以3.1学级分毕业。
After graduating from Harvard University, Lin went undrafted in the 2010 NBA Draft. Eight teams had invited Lin to predraft workouts. He later joined the Dallas Mavericks for mini-camp as well as their NBA Summer League team in Las Vegas.Donnie Nelson of the Mavericks was the only General Manager that offered him an invitation to play in the Summer League. "Donnie took care of me," said Lin. "He has a different type of vision than most people do."2010年7月21日从哈佛大学毕业后,林书豪参加了2010年NBA选秀,但未得到球队合同。之后受达拉斯小牛队经理丹尼·尼尔森邀请,参加在洛杉矶举办的NBA夏季联赛。
In five Summer League games, while playing both guard positions, Lin averaged 9.8 points, 3.2 rebounds, 1.8 assists, and 1.2 steals in 18.6 minutes per game and shot a team leading 54.5% from the floor. Lin received offers to sign from the Mavericks, Los Angeles Lakers, and an unnamed Eastern Conference team. In addition to the original three teams, the Golden State Warriors also offered Lin a contract.林书豪在5场夏季联赛中担任控球后卫,缴出平均9.8分、3.2篮板、1.8助攻、1.2抢断成绩,也曾与当年NBA第一选秀约翰·沃尔交手比赛。引起了达拉斯小牛、洛杉矶湖人、金州勇士队的注意。
New York Knicks纽约尼克斯队时期
The New York Knicks claimed Lin off waivers on December 27 to be a backup behind Toney Douglas and Mike Bibby after an injury to guard Iman Shumpert; recently-signed guard Baron Davis was also injured and weeks away from playing. Lin said he was "competing for a backup spot, and people see me as the 12th to 15th guy on the roster. It's a numbers game." The Knicks' third-string point guard, he made his season debut on the road against the Warriors, where he was warmly cheered in his return to Oracle Arena. On January 17, 2012, Lin was assigned to the Erie BayHawks of the D-League. On January 20, he had a triple-double with 28 points, 11 rebounds, and 12 assists in the BayHawks' 122–113 victory over the Maine Red Claws. Lin was recalled by the Knicks three days later.12月27日,纽约尼克斯队签下林书豪,起初定位为替补后卫。热身战首次出赛,对上金州勇士队。2012年1月17日,纽约尼克斯将林书豪与队上另一名中锋杰若米·乔丹下放至发展联盟的艾利湾海鹰队。林书豪在海老鹰出赛一场,成绩为28分、12助攻、11篮板、2抢断。随即被尼克斯队召回。
On February 4, 2012, Lin had 25 points, five rebounds, and seven assists—all career-highs—in a 99–92 Knicks victory over the New Jersey Nets. Teammate Carmelo Anthony suggested to coach Mike D'Antoni at halftime that Lin should play more in the second half. After the game, D'Antoni said Lin has a point-guard mentality and "a rhyme and a reason for what he is doing out there." In the subsequent game against the Utah Jazz, Lin made his first career start. He had 28 points and eight assists. In a game against the Washington Wizards, Lin had 23 points and 10 assists. It was his first double-double. On February 10, Lin scored a new career-high 38 points and had seven assists, leading the Knicks in their 92–85 victory over the Los Angeles Lakers. He outscored the Lakers' Kobe Bryant, who had 34 points.2012年2月4日,纽约尼克斯在主场面对新泽西篮网,因主力球员受伤,林书豪替补上场逾36分钟,得到全场最高的25分,外带7助攻、5篮板和2抢断的成绩,带领尼克斯队以99比92击败新泽西篮网。林书豪开始受到瞩目,并得到首发机会。2月6日,主场对战犹他爵士,林书豪职业生涯首度首发,带领尼克斯队以99比88击败对手。林书豪上场逾45分钟,再次得到全场最高的28分,外带8助攻,另带有8次失误,此场生涯首度首发成绩,在NBA历史名列第二;仅次于1981年底特律活塞队控卫伊塞亚·托马斯生涯首度首发,得到31分11助攻的成绩。后续2月9日,纽约尼克斯客场出战华盛顿奇才队,林书豪第二次首发,再度缴出23分、10助攻、5篮板的成绩单,演出NBA生涯第一次两个“双位数”,并且成为继勒布朗·詹姆斯之后第二位生涯头两次首发均取得超过20分的球员。在第三节就拿下12分,其中包括第三节2分58秒时,带球切入演出NBA生涯首度的单手扣篮,帮助球队以107:93击败对手,取得三连胜。
On February 11, Lin scored 20 points and had 8 assists in a narrow 100–98 victory over the Minnesota Timberwolves. Lin scored 89, 109, and 136 points in his first three, four, and five career starts, respectively, all three of which are the most by any player since the merger between the American Basketball Association (ABA) and the NBA in 1976–77. He is the first NBA player with at least 20 points and seven assists in his first four starts. Lin was named the Eastern Conference Player of the Week after averaging 27.3 points, 8.3 assists and 2.0 steals in those four starts with the Knicks going undefeated. On February 14, Lin scored a game-winning three-pointer against the Toronto Raptors with less than a second remaining in a game.之后2月11日,林书豪在主场麦迪逊花园广场对阵洛杉矶湖人队的比赛中砍下38分和7次助攻,力压湖人后卫科比·布莱恩特的34分1助攻,带领纽约尼克斯获胜。在他的前三个NBA的职业生涯首发比赛中,林书豪已经得了89分。根据ESPN的统计资料,这是先从NBA和ABA在1976-1977年合并以来尚未突破的最佳纪录。而2月12日,在对阵明尼苏达森林狼队的比赛中林书豪全场拿下20分、8次助攻和6个篮板,连续五场得分达到20分或以上,除率领纽约尼克斯获得五连胜外;林书豪也以五场连续下来的优秀表现首次获得当周最佳球员。2月14日林书豪迎战多伦多猛龙时除了成为投进终场致胜球的选手外,他前面5场得分的数据也打破沙奎尔·奥尼尔的纪录。
The Associated Press called Lin "the most surprising story in the NBA". Bloomberg News wrote that Lin "has already become the most famous ". Knicks fans developed nicknames for him along with a new lexicon inspired by his name, Lin. Time.com ran an article titled, "It's Official: Linsanity Is for Real".Hall of Fame player Magic Johnson said, "The excitement has caused in Garden, man, I hadn't seen that in a long time." He appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated with the headline "Against All Odds", which The New York Times called, "the greatest tribute". Lin's story was also on the front-page of many Taipei newspapers.林书豪的优秀表现,除了让他在短短几天成为当周最受注目的NBA球员外,美国也开始出现以林书豪的“林”英文拼音“Lin”;搭配“疯迷热潮”的英文单字“insanity”所组合出来的新词汇‘Linsanity’(林来疯)。