英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-31 14:09:49


        The shortened NBA season will open Christmas Day, but there will be five games instead of the three that were originally scheduled for the holiday.虽然因为劳资谈判僵持一直未能开赛导致赛季缩水,但是NBA的新赛季揭幕战终于要在圣诞节上演了。或许是为了补偿球迷,也为了将停摆所遭受的损失降低到最低值,强强对话的圣诞大战由原定的三场增加到五场。
        With the lockout lifted and a new collective bargaining agreement was ironed out, the league on December 2th announced its openers for a truncated 66-game schedule.自12月2日NBA停摆结束,联盟与球员工会达成新的劳资谈判协议,联盟公布了缩水后的66场比赛日程的圣诞大战安排。
        The day will open at noon (et) with the Boston Celtics visiting the New York Knicks and will follow with an NBA Finals rematch between the Miami Heat and the reigning champion Mavericks in Dallas. The Bulls and Lakers will then square off in Los Angeles.圣诞大战揭幕战在美国时间中午进行,波士顿凯尔特人客场挑战纽约尼克斯。接下来的比赛将在上赛季的总决赛球队迈阿密热火和卫冕冠军达拉斯小牛队之间进行。芝加哥公牛队将与洛杉矶湖人在湖人队主场斯坦普斯球馆正面交锋。
        Those were the three games originally on the 82-game schedule for Christmas Day, but with a compressed time frame to play 66 games, the league added two more for the holiday.这是原本82场比赛赛程中计划在圣诞节上演的3组豪门球队强强对话,但由于新赛季被压缩成66场比赛,联盟决定在圣诞节增加两个场次。
        At 8 p.m. (et), the Oklahoma City Thunder will host the Orlando Magic and the nightcap will take place in Oakland with the Golden State Warriors welcoming the Los Angeles Clippers.东部时间晚上8点,俄克拉荷马雷霆队主场迎战奥兰多魔术队。圣诞节的最后一场压轴赛将在奥克兰上演,金州勇士队接受洛杉矶快船队的挑战。
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