Bangkok, New Orleans, Florence voted tops for food and wine2011最佳美食好酒旅游胜地:曼谷、新奥尔良、佛罗伦萨榜上有名
Travel website Tripadvisor.com has announced the winners of its 2011 Travelers' Choice Food and Wine Destinations awards, with New Orleans, Florence and Bangkok taking top honors in the United States, Europe and Asia, respectively.旅游网站Tripadvisor近期评选出了2011年度旅行者票选的最佳美食好酒旅游胜地,其中,新奥尔良、佛罗伦萨和曼谷分别荣登美国、欧洲和亚洲榜单的榜首。
For many, Bangkok edging out Hong Kong to claim top prize in the Asia category comes as a surprise, given Thailand's high taxation rate on imported wine, and all imported alcohol.曼谷把香港挤出了亚洲冠军的宝座,很多人对此感到吃惊,因为曼谷对于进口酒和其他酒类都有着极高的关税。
Though Bangkok might be making great strides in wine appreciation, it's definitely the food and not the drink that earned this street food mega-city its top spot on the list. 尽管曼谷在美酒上的竞争力欠佳,但是这个小吃天堂肯定是凭借其在美食上的魅力博得头筹的。
2011 Travelers' Choice Food and Wine Asia Destinations“2011亚洲最佳美食好酒胜地”三强
1. Bangkok, Thailand泰国,曼谷
2. Hong Kong, China中国,香港
3. Seminyak, Indonesia印尼,水明漾
2011 Travelers' Choice Food and Wine U.S. Destinations“2011美国最佳美食好酒胜地”三强
1. New Orleans, Louisiana路易斯安那州,新奥尔良
2. Napa, California加利福尼亚州,纳帕
3. Chicago, Illinois伊利诺斯州,芝加哥
2011 Travelers' Choice Food and Wine Europe Destinations“2011欧洲最佳美食好酒胜地”三强
1. Florence, Italy意大利,佛罗伦萨
2. Paris, France法国,巴黎
3. Rome, Italy意大利,罗马