Taking a road trip with your significant other? Chances are good the time together will improve your relationship.要不要和你的另一半来一次公路旅行?这可是你们相处在一起增进彼此感情的好机会哦。
In fact, 91 percent of couples have taken road trips together, and 84 percent agree the experience has strengthened their relationship, according to a new survey of more than 1,000 people released by YourTango.com collaborating with Ford Motor Company.根据美国知名社交网站YourTango和福特汽车公司联合进行的一项新调查显示,91%的情侣或夫妻都有过一起公路旅行的经历,他们当中有84%的人承认这样的经历的确有增进彼此的感情。这项调查参与人数超过了1000人。
The survey revealed that togetherness on the road presents an opportunity for quality time among couples in all sorts of ways. 调查结果显示,旅行在途中两个人的团结归属感,也为他们提供了机会,享受多种形式的甜蜜黄金时光。
In fact, we asked respondents to choose their three favorite ways to pass with their loved one on the road. The top activities are:调查还要求调查对象选出他们和爱人在公路旅行中最爱做的三件事情,下面是排名靠前的活动:
- Talking and catching up with each other (63 percent)聊天,交谈最近的生活状态(63%)
- Blasting our favorite music (60 percent)音量调到最大声,听我们都爱的音乐(60%)
- Getting some quiet time and taking in the sights (37 percent)享受安静时光,欣赏路上的美景(37%)
- Napping while my spouse/partner drives or vice versa (22 percent)当另一半开车时小睡一会,反之亦然(22%)
- Listening together to a book, comedy, news, sports etc. (15 percent)一起听书、喜剧、新闻或者体育赛事(15%)
- Playing car games (7 percent)玩赛车游戏(7%)
- Catching up with friends & family via phone (6 percent) 和家人朋友通过电话沟通近况(6%)
Of course, coupled driving time is not all sunshine and roses. For instance, plenty of couples (63 percent) have a "back-seat driver" on board who "helps" the real driver negotiate the road, offering him or her driving advice. 当然,情侣的公路旅行也并不仅仅是灿烂的阳光和美丽的玫瑰。比方说,不少情侣(63%)的中,都有那种在真正的司机开车时喜欢指手画脚给意见的另一半。