英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-30 10:16:26


        Traveling in the world today has become both easier and more sophisticated. The number of destinations and cultures open to travelers has never been greater and the nature of current technology allows us to share our experiences as they happen.现如今,去世界各地旅行已变得更为便捷但也更复杂。众多目的地及各种不同的文化,以前所未有的开放姿态向旅行者敞开大门,而高端的科技更是确保了人们能随时随地分享各自经历。
        Below are a few tips to help you have a safe and successful travel experience. If you would like to share your experiences or your own travel tips, we would love to hear from you. 以下几点建议有助于您享受安全圆满的旅行。也欢迎你分享自己的旅行经历或建议。
        1. To Tip or Not to Tip 给不给小费
        Tipping etiquette varies from country to country and knowing the local norms can save you from an embarrassing situation or from getting ripped off. For example, in many Central American countries the service tip is included in your bill and you are not required to provide anything over and above that amount. Yet, it is not uncommon for taxi drivers to ask for a gratuity or for restaurants to give you a credit card receipt with a tip line in the hopes that you’ll fall into your normal habits.小费习俗因邦而异,了解当地习俗可避免遭遇尴尬或被敲竹杠。比如,许多中美洲国家的服务小费已经包含在账单中,所以除支付账单外,你不必再额外付费。当然见怪不怪的是,出租车司机也可能向你索要小费,另外有些酒店在开具信用卡收据时,也希望你能按习俗支付小费。
        2. Connect with Caution联网须谨慎
        Being connected to the internet is something that most people cannot imagine being without, and WIFI is becoming ever-more ubiquitous and freely accessible. However just because you don’t have to pay for it does not mean that connecting comes without a price.很多人无法想象没有网络该怎么活。好在WIFI已越来越免费普及。不过,网络免费并不意味着联网就没有代价哦。
        Before connecting to any WIFI network while traveling make sure that your device has the proper settings and safeguards in place to prevent others from accessing your device and snooping around. Also, avoid logging into bank accounts or using credit cards while on unsecured networks to help prevent identity theft.旅行在外,连接任何WIFI网络之前,请确定你的设备配置恰当并装有安全防护软件,以防他人侵扰窥觑。此外,网络不安全时,切莫登录银行账户或使用信用卡,以免身份遭人窃取。

        3. Being TOO Social太过高调
        Bragging about upcoming trips and posting photos and status updates while you are on vacation is so common now that it can be considered an expected part of the experience. Keep in mind however that you are advertising that you’ve left behind an empty house.度假前炫耀即将到来的旅行,度假时晒晒照片或更新状态,这些不仅司空见惯,甚至已成为旅行不可或缺的部分了。可也千万别忘了,这么做等于在广而告之:你家里正无人把门呢。
        It's reported that Burglars have already begun to turn to Facebook and Twitter to find homes that may be vacant during a holiday absence, so don’t make their job any easier for them by giving them your travel itinerary.”据相关报道,窃贼已转向Facebook 和Twitter 搜寻因度假而无人看守的房屋了。所以,最好别事无巨细描述自己的旅程,别让窃贼轻易得逞才是。
        4. Doing the Last Minute Shuffle临时佛脚
        You may have planned out your trip down to the last detail, but don’t forget about the few days before you embark on your adventure. There are usually a lot of items that need to be handled before you step foot into that plane: pet-sitters, stopping your mail, notifying your bank and credit card companies of where you’ll be travelling, buying last minute items of course, packing.或许你已将旅程安排得事无巨细,但在出行之前最好也别忘了不在家时的各项安排。登上飞机之前通常还有不少事情需要处理:宠物托管、信箱暂停,通知银行及信用卡公司你的旅行目的地,当然还得购买最后所需物品并进行打包。
        We suggest that you add a few pre-travel days to your planning to make sure you are not over stressed or realize once you are 5,000 miles away that you have forgotten something critical.建议你旅行前空出几天做计划,以免旅行过于紧张,或等到早已离家十万八千里才想起忘记带某个重要物件了。
        5. Forgetting to Relax 忘记放松
        Remember that you are traveling to enjoy yourself, so make sure to plan in some time to do nothing. Being overambitious and trying to pack too much into every day will only result in stress, and if you spend every second running from attraction to attraction, you are very likely to miss the most interesting aspect of your destination, the culture.请记住:旅行是为了享受,所以做好无所事事的准备吧。若是野心勃勃地将日常琐物一并打包,结果怕只会搞得自己紧张兮兮;若是忙不迭地从某个景点奔向下一个景点,你可能得错过欣赏最有意思的部分:你的旅行目的地,和那里的文化。
        You can see the Eiffel Tower in a million photographs on the internet, but you can only experience the culture and ambiance of Paris in Paris. Grab a coffee at a sidewalk café, take a moment and watch the locals, smell the croissant in front of you and listen to the urban symphony around you.或许你已在网络图片上千万次看到埃菲尔铁塔,但巴黎的韵味和文化,却只能在巴黎亲身体验才行。所以,何不在路边咖啡馆品尝咖啡,静下来细细体味地方人情,抑或伴着羊角面包的芳香倾听周遭的都市交响曲呢!
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查看完整版本: 莫因细节毁了心情:旅行中常犯的5大错误