How much make-up do men really find attractive? Dating site discovers women with lipstick and blush are THREE TIMES more likely to be asked on a date.化妆女性才对男人有吸引力,女性涂口红和腮红约会几率增三倍。
Men are three times more likely to ask a woman out online if she is wearing make-up in her dating profile picture, a new survey has discovered.一项最新调查发现:在约会网站上,男人看了化妆女性的照片,约会几率增三倍。
Zoosk, a dating site and app, analyzed 1,200 women’s profiles and found that these individuals were three times more likely to be messaged if they were wearing make-up including eye shadow, lipstick and blush.Zoosk约会网站的应用程序对1200名女性的资料做了分析,发现涂眼影、口红和腮红的化妆女性,收到约会信息的几率增三倍。
The site’s male users appear to prefer eye make-up the most, as women who were pictured with painted lids received 139 percent more first messages than those who did not.网站的男性用户最喜欢眼妆,涂眼影的女性比不涂眼影的女性收到的初次约会消息多出139%。
Lipstick followed a close second, as women received 119per cent more notes than those who were shown with a bare pout.其次是涂口红的女性收到的约会消息比不涂口红的女性多出119%。
Cheeks, however, appear the least important, as women wearing blush or bronzer only received 24 percent more notes than those who did not.不过,涂不涂腮红都无所谓,与不涂腮红的女性相比,涂腮红或用古铜色化妆品的女性中,只有高出24个百分点的女性收到约会消息。
But there are some parameters involved in men’s preference for make-up –mainly that it has to ‘look’ natural.但也有一些参数体现出男性偏爱化妆女性:关键在于妆容“看上去”要自然。
In surveying 1,800 male members, Zoosk found that 66per cent of them do not find dates who wear dark make-up attractive.Zoosk约会网站对1800名男性成员的调查发现,66%的受访者称,对化深色烟熏妆的女性不会提出约会请求。
he same goes for red lipstick, as 57per cent of respondents found the color cosmetic to be an unattractive first-date choice.对涂红色唇膏的女性也一样不会提出约会要求,从男性调查者中发现,女性初次约会化妆时选择化颜色过于艳的妆容,57%的男性对过于艳的妆容都不怎么感兴趣。
In terms of hair, it seems that natural is always the way to go. Natural styles were preferred by 84per cent of respondents, over follicles that had been dyed an unearthly color.关于头发的发型,相对把头发染成怪异颜色的女性,84%的男性受访者认为自然风格的发型才是首选。
A natural wave is also appreciated, as only 9per cent of men preferred pin-straight, flat ironed locks to those boasting some form of texture.自然卷发也很受欢迎,只有9%的男性偏爱拉直的头发——因为那看上去很不自然。