英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-30 10:07:52


  A. It is closing down some factories in the US.
  B. It no longer offers high-paying jobs.
  C. The number of its employees is doubled after therestructuring.
  D. It is manufacturing as many cars as before.
  A. Over 87,000 of its employees is doubled after the restructuring.
  B. Many people will have to say bye-bye to their high salaries.
  C. The employees' laid-off has a great impact on the American business.
  D. America can no longer take a lead in world economy.
  A. They produced more cars than American manufacturers.
  B. They reduced car-production in America.
  C. They gave up more market share to the natives.
  D. They took over plants and manufacturing capacity.
  A. It is a serious threat to its competitors.
  B. It is not powerful enough to affect the world market.
  C. The cars' quality is good enough to have their own branding.
  D. None of the Chinese cars meet the standard in the US.

enfive 发表于 2016-7-30 11:46:22

  W: With us now, is Malcolm Bricklin, CEO of VisionaryVehicles.
  M: Hello, everyone.
  W: We have been hearing a couple of things aboutthis news that Ford Motor Company is slashingup to 30,000 jobs, shutting down 14 plantsnationwide. Is it a big deal if we are no longermanufacturing these cars, Malcolm?
  M: I think it's a huge deal. I mean the companies are massive employers both directly andindirectly. If you look at Ford after their restructuring, they've actually got 87,000 employeeswhich is twice as many as Microsoft have worldwide. Moreover, if you look at those jobs, theyare very high-paying jobs. These are people who can afford to buy their own products.
  W: Er, it seems to indicate a big hit for our economy if these jobs go bye-bye.
  M: Yeah, it's a really sad day for America.
  W: But it is not as if cars are stopped being made, right?
  M: Correct. Still a large number of cars are being made by American manufacturers. More thanhalf of the American cars sold in America are American. So what has happened over time isthat as the market share has fallen, foreign car companies have come in, taken over plants andset up new plants, and they have taken over that capacity. So, it is not like there are fewercars being produced in America than there were 30 years ago.
  W: Let me ask you about the Chinese coming in. What would it mean to American jobs, if andwhen that happens?
  M: The Chinese cars we have seen so far aren't that great and they don't have thebranding necessary to make a huge impact in the world stage.
  Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  22. What do we know about the Ford Motor Company from the conversation?
  解析:选项都提到it,从factories, jobs, employees, restructuring, cars等来看,问题应该与某个汽车生产公司有关。对话开头女士提到,福特汽车公司正在全国范围内关闭14个工厂。A中的closing down是原文shutting down的同义替换,因此为正确答案。B与D都与对话不符,C有一定的干扰性,注意对话中男士提到的重组后的福特公司雇员数目是微软的两倍,而不是C所说的重组前的两倍。
  23. Why is it a big deal if the American automakers no longer do the making?
  24. What happened to the foreign automakers in America?
  25. What does the man think of Chinese car manufacturing?
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