上海位于长江入海口(river mouth),是中国最大的城市,同时也是一座历史文化名城和著名的旅游城市。上海是中国最大的经济中心,是全国最重要的工业基地,也是重要的贸易、金融和文化中心。上海港是世界第三大港。东方明珠电视塔(Oriental Pearl TV Tower)是上海的标志性建筑,矗立立在黄浦江边,塔髙468米, 是目前世界第三、亚洲第一髙塔。外滩(The Bund)是上海最著名的旅游景点之 —,其建筑风格多样,有古今,有中外,享有“万国建筑博览会”之称。
参考译文: Located in the river mouth of the Yangtze River,Shanghai is China's largest city and a famoushistorical, cultural and tourist city. It is China'slargest economic center, the most important nationalindustrial base, and an important center of trade,finance and culture as well. Shanghai is the world's third largest port. The Oriental Pearl TVTower is a landmark in Shanghai. It stands along the Huangpu River, with a height of 468meters, and it is the world's third highest and Asia's highest tower. The Bund is one ofShanghai's most famous tourist attractions. The architectural style there is diverse, bothancient and modern, home and abroad, thus making the Bund enjoy the title of the “exhibitionof the world's architecture”.
1.位于长江入海口:可译为located in the river mouth ofthe Yangtze River。
3.世界第三、亚洲第一高塔:可译为the world's thirdhighest and Asia's highest tower。
4.旅游景点:可译为tourist attraction。
5.有古今,有中外:可译为both ancient and modern,home and abroad。
6.万国建筑博览会:可译为exhibition of the world's architecture。