英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-29 09:09:50


  Doing good is also known as “doing good deeds” inChina. Being glad to do good deeds is closelyassociated with excellent qualities such as tolerance,justice and kindness, etc., and it is a traditionalChinese virtue. Chinese people have alwaysconsidered it a happy deed to help others, and offer to help those in trouble with full-heartedenthusiasm. This kind of help is very selfless no matter the relationship between the helpedand the helper is intimate or not, and it requires nothing from others. People consider helpingothers as a noble obligation, and in the process of doing this they improve and perfect theirown soul and morals. This good virtue has taken root in the hearts of the Chinese peoplenowadays. It has become commonplace in China that if one person or one place is in trouble,people from all quarters will offer to help.
  1.行善:即“做好事”,可译为do good或do good deeds。
  2.和...紧密联系在一起:可译为be closely associated。
  3.不分亲疏远近:可理解为“不管被帮助人和帮助人的关系亲密与否”,故翻译为no matter the relationshipbetween the helped and the helper is intimate ornot。
  4.在...中扎根:可译为take root in。
  5.一方有难,八方支援:可译为if one person or one place is in trouble, people from all quarters willoffer to help。其中all quarters意为“四面八方”。
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查看完整版本: 2015年12月英语六级翻译练习及解析9