《三十六计》(Thirty-Six Stratagems )是有关战术的古书。三十六计按照计谋名称排列,共有六类。书中计谋的名称有不同的起源,有些源自历史故事,如“围魏救赵”;有些源自古代军事术语,如“声东击西”;有些源自习语,如“指桑骂槐”。 每个计谋都带有解释和说明。注释多引自宋朝以前战争的激烈言论,也有些引自古代著名谋略家的名言。《三十六计》创作完成后被大众广泛阅读,“三十六计,走为上计”的说法也被经常使用。
The Thirty-Six Stratagems is an ancient bookconcerning the art of war. The thirty-six stratagemsare arranged in terms of their names and can fall intosix categories.The stratagems’names in the bookhave different origins.Some are from historicalstories, such as “besieging Wei to save Zhao”;some are from ancient military terms,such as“making a feint to the east but attacking in the west”;and some are from idioms, such as“pointing at the mulberry but scolding the locust tree”. Each stratagem name is followed by anexplanation and notes. The notes are mostly sharp statements quoted from war examplesbefore the Song Dynasty as well as from famous ancient strategists. After the composition ofthe Thirty-Six Stratagems, it has been widely read in the general public and the phrase “of allthirty-six stratagems, fleeing is the best” is also frequently used.