英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-29 09:09:09


  人的生命,终会消失,如同晚秋的落叶终会飘向地面。不忍分别是人之常情,但恐怕每一个逝者都不愿留给生者的只是哀伤的记忆。记得夏衍走时,留给大家的是一曲深情的《绿叶青葱》;光未然走时,人们听到的依然是那激昂的《黄河颂》…人走了,如蜡烛燃尽,如油灯耗干,如落叶归于泥土,如溪水流入江海…但蜡烛、油灯都曾照亮过人间;落叶曾用青绿展现盎然生机;溪水一路丁冬,给人们带来无尽欢乐。 用一种别样的告别,不是更温暖和美好吗?
  It is quite common for people unable to bearseparation.Every decedent,however,might not bewilling to leave the living more than sad memory.XiaYan passed away with an affectionate piece ofmusic Leaves Are Green while Guang Weirandeparted the world with a still inspiring Ode to theYellow River.Just as leaves fall into earth and steamsflow into the sea…so people will pass away.Yet,leaves showed their vitality through the color ofgreen,while thinking stream once brought people joy.Isn't it warmer and greater to hold amemorial serviced in this unique way?
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查看完整版本: 2015年6月英语六级翻译预热练习2