2015年12月大学 英语六级考试已经结束,考六级的孩子们,深深呼口气吧,因为今天的六级题目和往年一样,中规中矩,难度不大。但是对于翻译,很多考生觉得有些生僻词汇不太会翻译。下面文都教育的小编将翻译中的重点词汇和短语给大家总结一下,希望大家考完试也多记记,为下周的研究生考试做好充分的准备。【卷一:中国制造】
中国政府Chinese government
工业升级upgrade its industry
高速列车 high-speed train
远洋船舶ocean ship
合同 contract
信赖believe in
付出代价pay a price for
消除贫困eliminate poverty
就业机会 job opportunities
值得be worthy of
中国制造 made in China.
国际社会the international community
消除极端贫困eliminate extreme poverty
扮演角色play a role
实施改革开放implementation of reform and opening up
摆脱贫困get out of poverty
在未来五年中In the next five years
发展中国家 developing countries
减少贫困reducing poverty
发展教育developing education
农业现代化agricultural modernization
环境保护environmental protection
医疗保健health care
提供援助provide assistance
显著进步significant progress
促进经济增长promoting economic growth
不懈努力make unremitting efforts
应对挑战 cope with challenges
追求 in the pursuit of
自身特色own characteristics
发展道路the path of development
借鉴经验draw lessons from
竭力 endeavor to do
做重要决定make important decisions
为孩子好be good to their children
结果 As a result
成长和教育growth and education
报名参加register for
课外班 extra-curricular class
增加机会to increase the chance
录取be admitted by
注重pay more attention to
值得称赞be praiseworthy of t
学习learn from
平衡关系 balance the relationship between... and ...