英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-29 08:34:04


  A. Help her prepare the presentation.
  B. Give her extra time to finish the report.
  C. Giver her some advice on doing the report.
  D. Hand in her report next Wednesday.
  A. The professor will often extend the time limit forassignments.
  B. The students will gain extra scores for handing in assignments ahead of time.
  C. The professor will penalize lightly for late assignments.
  D. The students will lose scores by the day for late assignments.
  A. Sympathetic.
  B. Skeptical.
  C. Grateful.
  D. Indifferent.
  A. He lost everything including his computer.
  B. He suffered from a serious car accident.
  C. He went abroad to join his family.
  D. He was transferred to another class.

entwo 发表于 2016-7-29 09:55:00

  W: Hello, Dr. Christianson.
  M: Hello, Cathy, what can I do for you?
  W: Well, I need an extension for my report onwhales. Next Wednesday I am supposed to presentin class and hand my report in, but I won't be ready.
  M: You had six weeks to work on this, and Ihave a policy of penalizing heavily for lateassignments. You lose 20% the first day, and 10% for each day after.
  W: Well, my computer broke down and I lost everything. I have taken the computer into theCampus Computer Center but they cannot retrieve any of my files.
  M: I can sympathize with the computer issue, because it happened to me once when I wasa student. My computer crashed just as I was on the last page of a 10,000-word essay. Iassume this will be a lesson to you.
  W: Oh yes.
  M: Well, let's look at the calendar and see if there is another opportunity for yourpresentation and report.
  W: What about on November 29?
  M: Let me see, no, that wouldn't work as Jane Clark is doing her presentation that day.
  W: I'm not sure I can get it finished much sooner as I have to start writing the report fromscratch.
  M: Well, perhaps I can allow you to hand in your report on November 29, but the presentationmust be sooner. Looking at my calendar, the only possible day would be November 22. Rob Metcalf was supposed to present that day but I understand he was in a serious caraccident and had to withdraw from university.
  W: I didn't know that.
  M: So, we have arranged for you to present on November 22, and hand in your report onNovember 29.
  W: Thanks again, Dr. Christianson.
  Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  22. What does the woman want the man to do?
  解析:选项都是动词短语,且her都作宾语,由此可推测题目应该询问男士为女士做某事。B中的extra time是对女士话中extension的同义替换,为正确答案。
  23. What kind of policy does the professor have for assignments?
  解析:男士对女士的请求做出回应时提到了late assignments(迟交作业)的政策,只要听到关键词是lose和day,即按迟交天数扣分,便可推知D正确。
  24. What was the professor's attitude towards the student's problem?
  25. What happened to Rob Metcalf whose turn can be replaced by the woman?
  解析:选项为某男士做了什么事,对话中提及时,注意主谓宾的匹配。此题属于“听到什么选什么”,答案是原文he was in a serious car accident的同义改写。
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