英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-29 08:33:27




  A. England didn't have private universities as Americadid.
  B. American higher education was better in quality.
  C. England had more famous colleges than America.
  D. America had a lot more universities than England.
  A. Future growth of college students in America is likely to be quicker.
  B. There are less than 2,000 universities or colleges in America now.
  C. America is far ahead of Europe for a very long time in higher education.
  D. By the 1970s the total number of college students had reached 20 million.
  A. Parents' support and loan for the students.
  B. The declining opportunities for the qualified people.
  C. The growing need for highly qualified people.
  D. The growth in the total numbers of old people.


entwo 发表于 2016-7-29 10:13:11

听力材料:  For a very long time America has led the world inhigher education, quantitatively at least. In 1825England still had only two universities: Oxford andCambridge. However at the same time, the UnitedStates already had over fifty colleges for a smallerpopulation. By now, in addition to hundreds ofjunior colleges, teachers' colleges and special schools, there are over 2,000 universities, collegesor other such institutions in America. They may be big or small, public or private, famous orobscure. Rapid development of higher education, a common feature in contemporarysocieties, is continuing at such a rate that America looks like being far ahead of Europe for avery long time. At that time, the overwhelming demand for higher education among Americanpeople contributed a lot to its rapid development. The growing demand for highly qualifiedpeople in an ever-more-complex modern society and the declining opportunities for the less-well-qualified, together with the growth in the total numbers of young people caused by thehigh birth-rate around 1950 to 1960, brought the total number of students to ten million bythe 1970s. By 1972 almost half of all people aged 18 and 19 were in full-time education, thoughonly one-sixth of the people then aged 25 to 29 had completed four years at "college".However, future growth is likely to be slower.
  Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  26. What is the difference in higher education between America and England in 1825?
  27. Which is character of higher education in America according to the passage?
  解析:细节题。短文主要就是讲美国的higher education,可以听到这样一个评价:“看起来美国一直远远领先于欧洲。”故C正确。
  28. What's the reason for the rise in student numbers in the 1970s?
  解析:细节题。短文列举了20世纪70年代美国大学生人数增加的多个原因,其中一个就是“The growingdemand for highly qualified people...对高素质人才需求的增长”。因此C正确。

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查看完整版本: 2016英语六级听力改革练习75