英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-29 08:33:23




  A. She should have spent less time to renovate her house.
  B. She should have saved enough money for her plan.
  C. She should have spent more time to plan her trip.
  D. She should have changed her plan on the vacation.
  A. They will reach a consensus on the proposal.
  B. They signed a contract for working as a team.
  C. All of them agreed on the content of the proposal.
  D. Most of them expected the proposal could be better.


enfive 发表于 2016-7-29 09:15:38

听力材料:  W: I suppose I should relax and lay down on thebeach of some exotic island, enjoying the beautifulsunset right now. I just can't stop imagining thathappy moment!
  M: If only you hadn't spent so much on your newhouse.
  Q: What does the man mean?
  W: Congratulations! You are the project manager now. So how is your project going?
  M: Oh, I can't expect it better. Virtually all the members were in agreement with the proposalyesterday. I think we can carry it out shortly if everything goes well.
  Q: What does the man mean about his team members?
  解析:女士问男士项目的进行情况,男士说昨天所有人都同意了项目计划书的内容。故答案是C。选项预测可知,问题可能问“他们”的行动,注意听“他们”指什么人。看到有“agree”的选项就要打起精神了,那正是原文内容“in agreement with”的同义替换。
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查看完整版本: 2016英语六级听力改革练习47