英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-29 08:33:18




  A. They were expensive.
  B. No one believed them.
  C. They were unsuccessful.
  D. They were often not welcomed.
  A. They realized some companies exploited themovement.
  B. They didn't know what to do.
  C. They didn't realize some companies made false claims.
  D. They didn't like green advertisement.
  A. They became more popular.
  B. They were more regulated.
  C. They became better produced.
  D. They became less honest.


enfour 发表于 2016-7-29 09:22:16

听力材料:  Passage Two
  Over the past decade, the environmentalmovement has exploded onto the minds ofmainstream consumers, a fact not lost on marketersand advertisers. Green advertising started in themid-1980s when issues of the environmentmuscled their way to the forefront of marketing.Advertisers saw the consumer desire forenvironmentally safe products and tried to meet the demand as quickly as possible. Notsurprisingly, this first wave suffered from rough and poorly conceived marketing efforts. Manyadvertisers embraced a genuine concern for the environment. But consumers realizedthat some companies made false claims and exploited the movement, using such nebulousterms as "environmentally friendly" and "green". Consumers grew wary of environmentalappeals, and advertisers reacted by reducing its emphasis. Two legal guidelines paved theroad to a second wave. In 1992 the Federal Trade Commission established guidelines for greenmarketing, followed shortly by state governments. California passed particularly stringent laws,setting definitions for terms like "ozone friendly," "biodegradable," and "recycled." According tothe state's court, "California seeks to guard against... potentially specious claims orecological puffery about products with minimal environmental attributes." Texas,Massachusetts, Minnesota, Tennessee, Connecticut, and Washington soon followed the GoldenState's lead. The rigid regulations have left a number of advertisers confused and frustrated,although some feel that environmental claims have already peaked and are on their way out.Some believe that we've now entered green advertising's third wave, where environmentalconcerns are now part of the mainstream.
  Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.
  29. What were some early problems with the first wave of Green advertisements?
  30. What do we know about consumers from the passage?
  31. How did Green advertisements change after the first wave?
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查看完整版本: 2016英语六级听力改革练习42