英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-29 08:33:10




  A. He is angry.
  B. He is in love.
  C. He is scared.
  D. He is talkative.
  A. Take more rest breaks while at work.
  B. Quit her job and find a new one.
  C. Ask for a leave from her boss.
  D. Talk to her boss directly.

ensix 发表于 2016-7-29 09:40:45

听力材料:  11.
  M: If I ever see that guy again, I'm definitely going totell him a thing or two.
  W: Take it easy. Remember, our policy is that thecustomer is always right. You don't want to arguewith a customer even if you think you are absolutelyright.
  Q: What can be inferred about the man?
  解析:tell him a thing or two是“要跟他理论理论、教训教训他”的意思,说明男士很生气。所以A正确。根据选项可以预测题目是问男士的感受或对男士的描述。注意,不要对原文内容做“想当然”的过分推断。女士说的argue“争吵”一词就提示了答案。
  W: I just can't stand my job anymore. My boss is not supportive at all.
  M: If I were you I wouldn't take it anymore. I'd let him know how I feel.
  Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?
  解析:女士报怨她的工作,男士回应说:“如果我是你,我就不会把这些憋在心里,我会让他知道我的感受。”Talk to her boss directly是I'd let him know how I feel的同义替换,所以选D。注意男士说的wouldn't take it anymore中it指的是女士前面对于老板不满的想法而非指job,所以B、C错;A对话中没有提及。If I were you是虚拟语气,这是短对话的常考点,必须注意。

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